Control 37 comments
· 10 years ago
I´m not trying to tell you how you should feel about your country. I don´t care about that. I´m just trying to say that the argumentation is fundamentally flawed. There are other countries with as many weapons but with far fewer casualties. And how is me saying that regulating weapons usually leads to fewer gun deaths (duhh) an infingement on your right to feel about your country the way you want ? Ah well whatever. Like having a discussion about this here is gonna change anything . have a nice day where ever you are.
Control 37 comments
· 10 years ago
You cry so much about that second amendment of your but do nothing when all your other rights get taken away. On the contrary. You cheer it as a improvement of your security (e.g. Patriot Act). How are you still going on about that? Didn´t you read any statistics on that matter ? You are far more likely to shoot yourself than stopping a robbery or doing anything useful. How come you... ah what the hell you´ll have to learn it on your own. Have fun with your thousands of murder victims over there.....