That burn needs Ice immediately 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Now imagine if a guy said that to a woman....
Good guy sony 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually if i remember correctly, the ps1 to ps2 is different. One is like OO and the other is like DO. So not interchangeable. Also pretty sure even the other ones have different outputs, even if the plug in looks similar. This could cause even more problems since it means you are more likely to screw up and use the wrong cord which could mess up your machine
What color is the sky 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Its a good thing people arent fucking stupid and know how analogies work. It doesnt mean the 2 questions will have the same answer, just means the two things are related in some way ie "its so obvious nobody needs to even ask"
Harry potter 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Agreed, kinda funny but god I would be pissed if somebody took off with my glasses, mostly because I'm almost completely blind and would have needed help just walking to the car
This guy had no patience for stupid rules 6 comments
· 10 years ago
tbh, your 2 examples are good. The example of the meme is bad. The boss shouldn't be paying you money just to screw off on funsubstance or any other website. If "your still getting your work done" then obviously you don't have enough of a workload, or they shouldn't be paying you to work 40 hours a week since you are only actually working for half of it.
Guess it shows when a boss is just a middle manager and not an owner who actually sees this crap for what it is. Stealing money from the company
Guess it shows when a boss is just a middle manager and not an owner who actually sees this crap for what it is. Stealing money from the company
Burnt Arm 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't know who you are, but all I could think of is the "Don't mind me, just fishing for compliments" picture. Why would you need to actually delete the acc? why not just not sign in? Or if you wanted a fresh start, why not just make a new acc? Or if you actually didn't want to visit the site anymore.....why not, and hear me out I know its crazy....NOT GO TO THE SITE ANYMORE. Only possible reason I can see to keep commenting asking how to do it is because you want people to say "oh no, don't go" and "but we love you, please dont leave!"
90's kids know what this is from 45 comments
· 10 years ago
being born in 94 does not make you a "90s kid". Its not about when you are born, its about when you were growing up. Like age 8-18ish. And yes, you can be (and most are) from 2 decades. For instance, if you were born in say '87-89ish, you wouldn't be an "80s kid" you'd be a 90s and/or even a 00s kid.
Let's Compare Our Countries, Shall We? 28 comments
· 10 years ago
The texas over europe pic is a bit misleading. Total land mass of TX would be about 20% of western Europe. And while TX alone is much smaller than Australia, the US is quite a bit bigger, US is about the same size as CAN.
Let's Compare Our Countries, Shall We? 28 comments
Have to start early 21 comments
· 10 years ago
If you are going to "play" the stock market, you don't stick everything in 1 company and hope itll just happen to increase in value by 10,000%. Thats just stupid and you are stupid for thinking thats what happened. You might start the day in company A then at 10:00 sell it all and put it in company B since you think A's at a peak and B is about to jump up, then if B jumps up and you think its about to fall down again, you dump it and put it in company C, and so on. A day trader could have the same investment in dozens of different stocks throughout the day, and all of them could have had a 0% increase by the end of the day (or even a loss) and the day trader could come out WAY ahead.
HOWEVER, its also extremely risky. You might start out with $100 and by the end of the day have half of it if you screwed up on a few trades, which is why most people don't do it. They invest in a few good companies and let it sit and grow.
As to the story, I don't buy it either, but its possible
HOWEVER, its also extremely risky. You might start out with $100 and by the end of the day have half of it if you screwed up on a few trades, which is why most people don't do it. They invest in a few good companies and let it sit and grow.
As to the story, I don't buy it either, but its possible
Just to set the record striaght... 12 comments
· 10 years ago
who do you think knows more about the subject, the business that literally has to deal with it every day, the politician who doesn't really know about the subject at all but cant appear to know nothing about it, or the citizen that might have googled a few things about it? Of course the businesses can't have ALL the say in it, since it could be something actually needed that they don't want, but they are going to be much more knowledgeable about the repercussions of whatever the law is that most people wouldn't even think about.
and to #5 and who decides what a "fair share" is? Why shouldn't the guy making $20,000 a year pay the same % of taxes as the guy making $200,000? Thats "fair" right? And yet the guy making 20k will probably get all of what he paid in back as a refund, and the guy making 200k will pay more in taxes than a dozen of the guys making 20k. But you are right, thats not "fair" that the richer guy is already paying so much, I mean he's rich! He can afford to pay more!
and to #5 and who decides what a "fair share" is? Why shouldn't the guy making $20,000 a year pay the same % of taxes as the guy making $200,000? Thats "fair" right? And yet the guy making 20k will probably get all of what he paid in back as a refund, and the guy making 200k will pay more in taxes than a dozen of the guys making 20k. But you are right, thats not "fair" that the richer guy is already paying so much, I mean he's rich! He can afford to pay more!
Just to set the record striaght... 12 comments
· 10 years ago
to #1 If something costs $100 (whether it be health insurance, or something else entirely) and you think its only "affordable" to pay $40 for it. It still costs that $100, which means some other guy is having to pay that extra $60 on top of their $100. Since of course, its "affordable" for them to pay that $100. That means person A pays $40 and person B pays $160. Real fair, right?
to #2 the problem isn't the people that actually want to get a job (although I still call BS on the people that say they do but just havent found something in months. If you are actually looking hard and not looking for stuff you aren't qualified for at all) The problem is the people that DONT want a job. They get so many free handouts that they would actually be worse off working than they are sitting on their ass all day. THIS is the problem.
to #3 meh no real problem with it
to #4 I do admit there are problems with this, but think about this too. When coming up with some new regulation or law, who
to #2 the problem isn't the people that actually want to get a job (although I still call BS on the people that say they do but just havent found something in months. If you are actually looking hard and not looking for stuff you aren't qualified for at all) The problem is the people that DONT want a job. They get so many free handouts that they would actually be worse off working than they are sitting on their ass all day. THIS is the problem.
to #3 meh no real problem with it
to #4 I do admit there are problems with this, but think about this too. When coming up with some new regulation or law, who
I do feel a bit guilty 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Not really, he could have been honking for plenty of other reasons than the usual "hey dumby lights green." Could of been directed at somebody else entirely, could have been to let him/others know somebody else was doing something reckless, could have been to let him/others know an ambulance/cop was coming up, etc. Its entirely the guys own fault if he doesnt even think to look around for the reasoning behind the honk and just speeds into an intersection. Might the honker feel some remorse if it had caused a death? Sure, but the blame is not on them, its on the guy that drove recklessly into the intersection
Absolute Walnut 18 comments
· 10 years ago
And what do they do when its a 10 car pile up? Magically know that the 3rd one on the left has a baby?
Good sachet 7 comments
· 10 years ago
And its still costs more. Its a lot cheaper to give a customer 5-6 of the left ones than it is to give them 1 or 2 of the right ones. (the right ones equate to 3 left ones in amount of ketchup btw).
Not that it doesnt suck, I love the right ones, but thats the reason you dont see more places using em.
Not that it doesnt suck, I love the right ones, but thats the reason you dont see more places using em.
Only in 'Murica 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Even if it was true, there could still be tons of reasons behind it that the news "neglected to mention" Such as the terms being changed but he had to sign the papers to change them, or atleast be informed about em. Or he did a lot of shady stuff (drugs/drug dealing/drinking/whatever) and while he never "hurt" the child with the stuff, the mom didn't approve of the kid being around it. Or he could have been going to see his son when he shouldnt have been (like creeper, pick the kid up w/o telling the mom type thing).
They have curved swords 11 comments
· 10 years ago
she is saying to reply with a line used by a non playable character (NPC) in a role playing game (RPG). The lines most NPCs use are usually repeated over and over every time you walk by them since they are usually just programmed with 1 or 2 different lines to save time, and they are programmed to say them as you go by. One of the more famous instances of this is from Skyrim, just about every soldier you go by would say "I used to be an adventurer like you...then I took an arrow to the knee"
Still going strong 6 comments
· 10 years ago
thats the whole point, smoking ages people. So the creator took a photo of an old lady and said she was only 48
Apparently a cheer up story.. 8 comments
· 10 years ago
All I could think was "what the hell are you shaving your legs for if you are in that big of a rush?" that shit takes time, just put on some jeans
No one is illegal 20 comments
· 10 years ago
and to add to the above comment, (just the last one, the other guest comments aren't me) the reason your comment would be seen as racist is in your own definition of racism. You used the term white and used it as bad, implying you thought less of them than other races. After all, racism isn't just believing one race is better than others, but also believing one race isn't as good as others. And about the whole immigration thing. Pretty sure other than the very first people of the world, everybody is a descendant of an immigrant. Even "Native" Americans immigrated over to the country at some point
No one is illegal 20 comments
· 10 years ago
@otherguest. No, 300 was based on actual events (although almost definitely exaggerated to some degree). @soccer you can think of it however you like, but throughout history there have been people taking over other places. You are just adding your own little parameters (which are wrong btw) to rule those earlier people out. Sizewise, the Mongol empire was just barely smaller than the British at the peak of their power (nearly 1/4 of the world). Considering 7 centuries separate the two, I would say the Mongol one is MUCH more impressive. Do you think all the area they conquered was uninhabited? or that the mongols were much nicer than the brits and didn't rape, steal, and pillage the people they invaded? And back to the 300 comment, the Persian empire at the peak of its power had nearly half of the world's population under it. But you are right, neither of these (or many others) are "large scale"
Trying to understand the evil 50 comments
· 10 years ago
pretty sure most of voldemort's character was based on hitler, that would be why you see so many connections
Restraining order 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Ya those stupid selfish jerks, wanting to protect themselves and shit. Who do they think they are
Metal Fans... Awesome As Could Be 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Thats weird because Ive been to both too and found the country ones to be pretty nice overall while the metal ones had a bunch of asshats........its almost as if theres no correlation at all.............
That awesome revenge 4 comments
Laser paranoia and snipers 17 comments
· 10 years ago
because a sniper even uses a laser.......whole point of sniping is to shoot from far away before the target can react. 1) a laser wouldn't work for long range because of bullet drop. 2) a laser would let the target know they are being targeted, which counters the point of a sniper to begin with.
The entire purpose of a laser sight is for close quarters so you can "hip fire" to fire faster more accurately. Don't have to spend that time raising the gun up to your eyes which can be the difference between you firing first or 2nd and dying. As to the IR laser, yes its real, and the entire purpose of it is so the enemy can't see it and just shoot you before you can see them. A sniper would have 0 use for it
The entire purpose of a laser sight is for close quarters so you can "hip fire" to fire faster more accurately. Don't have to spend that time raising the gun up to your eyes which can be the difference between you firing first or 2nd and dying. As to the IR laser, yes its real, and the entire purpose of it is so the enemy can't see it and just shoot you before you can see them. A sniper would have 0 use for it
Truth about spiders 21 comments
· 10 years ago
also about the "only 2 bad ones" in north america, the problem isnt with them killing you, its what the venom does to you. brown recluse venom is extremely necrotic (kills off the cells in the bite area) which can affect a person for the rest of their life
C-sectioned 23 comments
· 10 years ago
wikipedia IS a good long as you back it up with other sources. Its an amazing way to get a general understanding of a topic, and also usually has quite a few sources which you can go to and find out more. Sure you shouldn't just look at it and take everything it says as gospel, but that doesn't mean its not a great research tool.
b*tches be like... but in reality 9 comments
· 10 years ago
she needs to bring her knees in closer to her chest if she wants her pictures to be believable
I feel bad for you bro 22 comments
· 11 years ago
not really sure what you are saying here......age cutoffs are almost never based on calendar year, its usually based on school year. For example, you need to have had your 5th birthday by the time school starts to be in kindergarten (no idea if thats the right age, but to show when the cut-off would be).
As to it always being a struggle, you could say it was a struggle for a year or two if the kid had to adjust to all new friends (kids are usually friends with their own grade level) parents can usually still get them in if they appear advanced enough to be ready for school already too, but that would be a one time thing when they first start school, not something that continues to happen every year.
There are also plenty of benefits to being one of the oldest in your class. You are the first to be able to do things like drive, buy cigarettes, lotto tickets, porn magazines, alcohol, whatever other age based things there are.
As to it always being a struggle, you could say it was a struggle for a year or two if the kid had to adjust to all new friends (kids are usually friends with their own grade level) parents can usually still get them in if they appear advanced enough to be ready for school already too, but that would be a one time thing when they first start school, not something that continues to happen every year.
There are also plenty of benefits to being one of the oldest in your class. You are the first to be able to do things like drive, buy cigarettes, lotto tickets, porn magazines, alcohol, whatever other age based things there are.
I feel bad for you bro 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Or terrible since she can't do any of the exciting things for new years eve on her 18/21st. like for instance a lot of people go to bars for their 21st birthday because at 12 o clock they can drink, she wouldn't get to on new years eve, and who wants to go out the next day, everybody is all hungover.
I am sorry what does the Fox Say?? 9 comments
· 11 years ago
theres a good quote about this...cant remember it exactly, but it goes like "comparing other peoples highlight reel to your own behind the scenes" Its about comparing ourselves to others, but goes really well with this too. When you listen to older generations music, you are listening to the "best of" songs. You don't hear the shit songs that weren't memorable even when they came out. So you can't really compare every single song to the previous generations. I remember listening to 90s music in the 90s and all the older people called it shit and terrible and couldn't understand how i could even listen to it.....and now there are people that love it and its so iconic and blah blah blah. It happens every generation
True 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Agreed. They are trying to engage the entire classroom, especially the ones that look like they aren't paying attention, in hopes of getting them to pay attention. If they just wanted a fast correct answer, they could just ask the teachers pet every single time (which I've seen some teachers do)
An act of random kindness that went a long way 13 comments
· 11 years ago
which could be why when it IS prominent, such as this case of a waitress giving 2 people $14 each, and then it IS so glorified rather than just mostly ignored, people find it so weird.
An act of random kindness that went a long way 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I wouldn't say they arent as prominent, just not thought of as much. Some random person walks by and tells another person nice hair, sure it might brighten their day, but they'll forget about it after a while, and even though you were right there by them both, it won't even register for you. Now say that person said something extremely rude instead. Both the person receiving the comment and you are probably going to remember it longer, AND tell other people about it.
Similar thing to customer service, unless the service is just rediculously amazing awesomesauce excellent, you'll just take it as how it should be and not give a review, or take the time to fill out that comment card, etc. However, if that service is shitty, you'll fill out that card, write a review online and tell every single person you meet how terrible the place is. Its just how people's brains work
Similar thing to customer service, unless the service is just rediculously amazing awesomesauce excellent, you'll just take it as how it should be and not give a review, or take the time to fill out that comment card, etc. However, if that service is shitty, you'll fill out that card, write a review online and tell every single person you meet how terrible the place is. Its just how people's brains work
"equality" 34 comments
· 11 years ago
I wouldn't exactly lump race gender and sexual orientation in with fitness and intellect. There aren't really any cases where the first three should be an issue (although I guess like a research job where you are researching why a cancer doesn't seem to affect race X, or how this medicine affects pregnant women, etc) Whereas the last 2 have a huge impact. I know I'll never be an olympic medalist or a professional football player and no amount of training or access to gyms would have helped me be one. I also know there are plenty of people that no matter how much training and everything is available to them, just shouldn't be a heart surgeon or nuclear physicist.
Sounds legit 8 comments
· 11 years ago
they are talking about justin bieber for those of you that didnt know. Had to google it to find out
Police brutality 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Have cops gone overboard and done things they shouldn't have? Of course, everybody goes overboard now and then. It doesn't justify what they do and they should be punished accordingly, just as a regular person would be punished if they went overboard. However, most of the time its a case exactly like this picture. It wasn't just a completely 100% peaceful protest, it was mostly peaceful with some assclown getting up in the cops face yelling and screaming, or "bumping into" a cop, or just straight out hitting a cop. None of which gets on video from camera phones, you just get the video of the cop reacting to it. As to the quote, the "acts of violence" that start a riot, are usually started by the protesters. Whether its some guy that just wants to start a riot, or some guy that gets mad that a cop tells them to move over and then forcibly moves them when they refuse.
Police brutality 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Its almost as if.....and bear with me, I know it sounds completely SHOULDNT act like a complete asshat to somebody with the power to arrest you...........I know, I thought it sounded crazy too at first