
True beauty 21 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Skyrim looks like any other game released in the early 2010s. It looks like fucking reality with the right mods, but it doesn't look bad without them. Some animations could be better (AC got it right), but textures, collision map, meshes, lighting, etc. are all the same quality as most other games from 2012. Most of the games that looked significantly better than Skyrim at the time were considered next to reality.
I just do this whenever I see those six lines lined up like that 68 comments
guest · 11 years ago
This even happened in one of the tiniest villages in West Norway. This friend of mine started it when he was fucking eight years old!
True 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
They actually do it intentionally, but not because they like to embarrass you (well, maybe a little, but that's not the main reason). They notice who has raised their hand, and makes a mental note of it, but they usually make a point of targeting students who don't look they're paying attention. If your teacher does this, consider yourself lucky, because this is one of the signs of a good teacher.
Ahh my leg! 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I saw this shark a couple days ago. Some Canadians built it using snow from not only their own driveway, but that of a lot of their neighbours. I'm not sure whether OP used a picture of one of their own friends or a picture of one of the friends/neighbours of the guys who made this. The fact that there's no reference to the original series of pictures makes it hard to believe the latter.
Not looking forward to this Overmarrow 8 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Or Norwegian