
Amazing water festival 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I think that this one is in Lahti. Its's where it first started. It's also arrange in loimijoki. Cool event! :D -FinnishGuy
iPad got stolen 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Upeeta saatana!!!
*insert title* 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
"I know, that the voice's in my head, are not real, but they sure have some great ideas! - somebody" -FinnishGuy
Well, that's a bad day 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
This was originally a commercial, or something other like that. If I remember correctly, it was somebody's security co.'s or someone's... Can't remember.. It's a few years back... - FinnishGuy
How they refer to your romantic partner 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Well, this seems to be a repost.. But I say this again; "mulkvisti" translates to "Dick" or "Douche". "Mulkku" is the correct translation to "Dick" or "Cock". So the way, that is written on the post, is pretty much right! Its smoothier word for Dick, if you know what I mean! Asshole, translates to "persläpi". Ass in finnish, in multiple various ways = perse, peppu, hanuri, haitari, aunari, anus, AND Hole = läpi, reikä, aukko
This Made Me Go Awww... 31 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I don't fully understand the question, but lets say it like this; "dick" = "mulkku" and "mulkvisti" is a kind a smoother way to say it. So pretty much the way, it was in the post! :) Also, "mulkku" translates to prick. AND, if you change L-letter to R, in becomes an abbreviation to ant! :D P.S. this is the funniest site where I have been in a while! :))
This Made Me Go Awww... 31 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It's actually closer to "dick" than asshole! Trust me, I'm probaply the only finn around here! ;)