
Love these cement fish my mom has been making! 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Interesting. How is she doing it? Molds? Cement?
biology 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This should be NSFW. HAHA
Staying home with the kids during quarantine 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Whenever I try to get my dogs attention when the Amazon guy comes by.
A statue of lucifer at the devils hole in jersey 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
If it was New Jersey, the statue would be vandalized , broken, and pushed over, with a bunch of delinquent teen-agers smoking weed around it in the middle of the day. Cause that’s how we do! Viva New Jersey!
I took this pic with my phone and I’m really proud of it 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Ok. Here’s the next step. You’re going to have to be very good for the rest of the year , and then MAYBE Santa will bring you a camera for Christmas.
.... Please 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Do you think she would paint my livingroom for $50?
Kylo Ren has the best lightsaber, change my mind! 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Boys got some thicc legs
Wtf? 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This happened to me yesterday. I got a B .
But I put in the studying for an A . And the very first question, I was like , huh? Rut-Ro Shaggy.
Portrait made from extra spaghetti. The sauce made for the perfect “skin” tone 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
How dare you be so talented!?
Talking rib 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I’d eat them ribs
“I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, sitting in a dark cold dusty cellar” 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
When she created it, “ ish” but not really.
Meet Lilikoi, the passion of my heart! 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Lilikoi is actually the Hawaiian word for Passion fruit! (She still doesn't look like that, but seems to be the "passion" of her owner's heart)
Pre-funk the meat balls 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I have a customer who does exactly the same thing with meatballs too!! Like two orders before anyone gets there. How bizarre. If you don’t get the empty plate off the table quick enough he puts it on the table next to him. Then when his guests arrive he orders the meatballs!!!
May I introduce myself, I'm Miooblioobooby 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
May I introduce myself, I'm Miooblioobooby 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Lenen should get a raise, IMO 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I can’t begin to imagine your aweful situation. I’m sorry I said those mean things. I’m an angry person and I directed it at you. ( or who I believed originally posted this . Not for you re posting) I understand my mistake in thinking it was you and naming you. nonetheless I’m an sorry I distressed you, and I was mean to you. I wish you the best really. I was wrong. I realize this.
Please come back, Craig :( 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I hope Craig gets reunited with his human!
Lenen should get a raise, IMO 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Mrs collector you are a retard. bye ! I’m going to go breathe in the fresh air now!! Oh! And geat a coffee from Starbucks!! Hahahahahahaha!
Lenen should get a raise, IMO 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Why didntt you have your “ exemption card” he did his job. Which apparently is now to protect us from fucking liars like you!!! Make your shitty lung desease coffee at home you self righteous bitch!!!!! Go fuck yourself. “ exemption card and cops “ you’re a fucking loser. Yay coffee kid , you are great!!!! Too bad poor Starbucks kids have to put up with so many assholes. Essential workers unite are priceless.
Everyday 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Of course she is a personal assistant, or she wouldn’t know about the dude’s wife.
Potatoes after a three-month absence 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Omg. Did you scream? I would have screamed.
Help make these idiots famous 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Some things never get old: 1984 to 2020 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Um.......they got older.
Fishy Fun Day #63: Meme Edition 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Everyone works hard. Everyone is underpaid. Be real now. And you never had a shitty teacher? They exist by the way. A lot of them. In fact, I know a teacher who, when I asked , “ why did you want to be a teacher?” Responded, “ I want the summers off” No Lie. Teachers are not all the saints Oprah makes them out to be.
She was a badass 13 comments
guest · 4 years ago
As if any of you peasants could possibly understand anything about royal life, what the future King was thinking, or why Princess Diana wore that dress. But I understand how it makes you feel in control of something in your life to think you have any clue about what goes on Royally. STAY IN on yourselves, and let Royal family matters stay Royal family matters.
Churches vs gay rallies 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Straight people have historically used their children as pawns. why shouldn’t the gays? If y’all are trying to be fair, be fair. And who cares who hates this or Who hates that? People can’t get Along and that is the deep truth no one will accept.
The movie Poltergeist used real skeletons in the pool scene, allegedly 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
So not real. Those still have flesh on them. Do you know how unsafe that would be? And intolerable because of smell. Such an urban
Do you realize the legal implications of using real bodies with flesh on them would have?
And who would have sold these bodies? the Dead Body Store? Jo Beth Williams is an actress and she was talking out her ass if she said that. And if she believes it, even worse. You shouldn’t believe it either. Um......they are called special effects departments. It’s what they do. “ effects”
Some of you never had your dad yell at you for shining the flashlight wrong 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I read that as fleshlight. I was very confused.
Found my dad’s secret hollowed book where he keeps his most valuable treasures 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Omg what! Story time? Are you protected by the government. Are these aliases of your dad
In light of new feminist activities, they knew but never warned us! 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Why is this downvoted? That’s what happened.
Trying to figure out what a kindergatener made 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Ask them to tell you about it
Oh no 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Bye Felicia!
Weight loss 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Wow! That’s incredibly awesome. Good for you.
This was me, 9 years old, pretending to be Bruce Willis in 'Die Hard' 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Why are you bored? You could clean that toaster. It is filthy.
First thing I've drawn digitally since losing my right hand. (my dominant one) 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Wait. What? What happened to your hand?
Lethal pulsed grieving Dinosaur 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I know. Wasn’t Ant Man fucking hot?
“And evil takes a human down in Regina George” 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I thought it was her too!!!
13 mile hike to celebrate one year of sobriety! I stopped doing AA, so I won’t get a 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
You can still get a token. Lol. I buy myself a really nice one every yeAr on Amazon . I’m not in AA. But I like the coins to mark the years (6 yrs)
Square tawdry secret Salamander 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I must have gotten bit on my arm!
The reason I had a very very unproductive day today 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Are you a hooker? What’s with the outfit?
My favorite piece of art I've done. Free-hand with Micron pens. Hope you all enjoy 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Very nice!want to use it to be my mobile phone wallpaper
Working up an appetite 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Is Terry Crews the trainer?!
Paternity leave is a wonderful thing 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or that hot Daddy wearing a diaper?
Just finished up this painting of Anthony Bourdain in watercolor 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I’m from N.Y.C. And A.B. Was nothing short of a D.Head. That T.V. Personality that you saw was nothing what he was like. NOTHING. Fabricated for T.V. It’s actually laughable if you saw how he really spoke to people. And his best friend E.R is even worse. Two horrible people making money off all you people who live out there in TV land. And I mean horrible. Just saying. Truth hurts.
Its a start 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I found my stolen touring bike 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
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