I'm falling..... 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Like really though. What kind of people are these
great dad 14 comments
· 11 years ago
No, no these aren't tears in my eyes. They're wild feels appearing from the wells of my feel place to water my face
No matter what angle you look at this picture, the gun will always point at you 31 comments
· 11 years ago
So we're all comfortable knowing this is exactly the last thing Gale ever saw?
Sochi: "There's a wolf in my hall" 17 comments
· 11 years ago
I have reoccurring dreams that demons disguised as wolves chase and eat everyone around me until I'm forced to fight the wolves and exorcise the demons. I sleep like a rock and can't wake up from any sleep until I have to pee so unless I have to go to the bathroom in my dream I fight these demons... I never lose
Payback is a b*tch 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Have sex with her friends or her worst enemy or go fight the guy or better yet just be really happy without her and keep her on all your social networks so she can she that she didn't affect you even though that heartless cunt rocket shot off with your love never let her see your pain. Then put sugar in her gas tank
Sums racism up 42 comments
· 11 years ago
White people doe voted this obviously and let's keep it 100 wouldn't be any racism if a certain culture of humans didn't decide to rape the culture of every other culture in existence since the days of the Greeks. I mean really... Who made the native Americans extinct? WW1&2? Every major war in the 20th century. But who can blame them? If you saw people completely different than you were brighter, stronger, more intellectual and built to withstand the climate thereby making one feel inferior, I might plagiarize their religion and science then destroy and enslave them so I can seem more useful than I truly am. Shit, if white people don't like the racism they face then they should have left people alone when they had the chance. But this rant is for the inferior mind of a racist because regardless of ethnicity we all end up eaten by maggots or burnt to a crisp and saved in a jar.
Spinning 25 comments
True funsubstancers 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Awww yeah looka me I'm a true funsubstancer and I don't repost cause once I finally get a star I'm off to start my own fandom
Girl games irl 17 comments
· 11 years ago
If you can't walk in them then don't wear them. You'll look better wearing something you're comfortable in as opposed to stumbling around like a new born giraffe
Admit something you have told no one else (only if you feel comfortable) 338 comments
· 11 years ago
Had my first kiss when I was like 6-7. I was jumping on the bed and then my cousin 13 (girl) tackled and French kissed me. Crazy thing is, a couple days later at school this girl that used to bully me pushed into a corner and did the same thing. My first kiss was stolen from me twice and to this day I'm repulsed by the act of placing my mouth on another mouth and I'm 23 yo man
Does your foot ever feel like this? 15 comments
Food geometry 5 comments
Dog thoughts on humans 4 comments
Awesome Art 6 comments
Natural history museum, London 5 comments