Now My Girlfriend Will Wonder Why I Call Her Wheat Chex... 6 comments
· 11 years ago
frozen mind blown 71 comments
· 11 years ago
In tv shows sometimes they skip time by years, and even if she is thin, it's a computer made thing, even if you had thirty kids you would be thin, so theoretically speaking, If they skipped many years in time given that obviously repunzels hair doesn't change given to the marriage scene, it is definitely possible that there was a 'time skip' in between by a few years
frozen mind blown 71 comments
Wrong season 14 comments
This is so logical it hurts 23 comments
· 11 years ago
The buckets rest on the 'table' and the rope is tied to it. Resting on the loops on the ceiling is the rope. The rope is holding up the buckets which are glued to the table
Think of it like a magnet on a string with another magnet under it, that is much larger
Think of it like a magnet on a string with another magnet under it, that is much larger
This is so logical it hurts 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Nothing is unnecessary until done wrong, therefore you must retry with smaller buckets, but either way the gravity paradox is uncanny
Endless rain 19 comments
wat 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh my god someone else. At school I remembered and said: hai I'm Paul in the accent and nobody understood
The 'no nose' trend strikes again 17 comments
The tragic fate of disney 12 comments
The tragic fate of disney 12 comments
Tumblr Town 11 comments
· 11 years ago
No *le cry* I serious to god watched a house burn down today and I sobbed because I watched the entire house go down in traffic
What if this happened 14 comments
· 11 years ago
My science teacher last year was awesome. He made science songs, and he would play daft punk and yo gabba gabba (to gabba gabba for his childish side)
This is the most perfect gift ever 30 comments
Murica??? 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Well most of the people in my school are jerks, jocks, and geeks. I'm proud to be a geek because I don't wanna be a jerk
Moffat, don't make people say this. 9 comments
Hi!! (First Post) 60 comments
Learn from experience 7 comments
What I learnt from the hunger games 13 comments
· 11 years ago
No. In the districts everyone's poor but in the Capitol everyone's nikki Minaj and lady gaga
I really wonder what the other countries were up to. 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys hunger games is my life so let the pro do the talking, okay so panem is America and everyone moved there because everywhere else got destroyed. Kids from the age 12-18 died and 1/24 people survive and then Susanne Collins kills every character you like the end
Doctor... Who! 29 comments
B**bies 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys did you read the books? If you only saw the movie, Haymitch told katniss when she left that the guy kissed her and she did that because in the first games she told peeta she didn't want to see him naked so they teased her
What if 31 comments
· 11 years ago
What if the hunger games were real and you lived in district 12 near Haymitch peeta and katniss
And now its on FS 10 comments