Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Exactly, it should be equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Exactly, it should be equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Women have equality of opportunity in almost all things now; however they still expect equality of outcome even if they don't deserve it (such as equal pay). Plus where did you research the point about university degrees? Because women have outnumbered men at university in the UK and america for quite a few years now.
Gender inequality 120 comments
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
. . . pronounced when the woman in question is considered physically attractive. Feminists seem to conveniently forget all about female privilege cases such as these. It happens every single day. For example, women getting free drinks at a bar, women being granted the last car parking space, women being prioritised for evacuation during natural disasters or ships sinking, or plane crashes; women being favoured at school because they learn more effectively than boys by writing and reading, while boys learn better by doing; or women being favoured at school because they cope better with coursework rather than exams; or women being exempt from national service in countries that still have it; or women being charged lower insurance premiums for driving and other things. Just a few examples, I am sure you can think of more. Women have a pretty good deal in the western world, they should be vastly grateful.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
It doesn't happen often but it happens. The defence in these cases actually plays up to female stereotypes (such as over-emotional, impressionable, at the mercy of her hormones) but you don't see the women complaining when it gets them off the hook. I'm pretty sure nobody would get away with drowning five children but there have been cases where a mother has done something similar and received a relatively reduced sentence by claiming she had a mental breakdown and pleading insanity (thus resulting in being locked up in an asylum rather than a prison and also avoiding the death penalty). There have also been cases where PMS has been cited as a mitigating factor in a crime; basically the woman pleads that she was at the mercy of her out of control hormones. It sounds absolutely ridiculous but it happens. It is also common knowledge (especially among psychology students) that women very often receive a criminal sentence that is less severe than a man's, and this effect is more . . .
Gender inequality 120 comments
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Companies legally aren't allowed to discriminate based on gender and can be prosecuted. I therefore find both of your stories to be false and exaggerated, otherwise your mother/sister would have known that she had every right to press charges. This is what feminists in the 70s achieved. I think nowadays, when a woman doesn't get a job, they rationalise it as gender discrimination rather than having to come to terms with the idea that maybe they just weren't the best candidate. It is however legal to pay someone based on how many hours of work they do, and this is why men may be paid more for the same job.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
Women also take more time off work for health reasons.
Furthermore, the 70cent figure which is constantly quoted is very misleading as well. When the entire earnings for men and the entire earnings for women for the whole country are averaged, women average 70cents for every dollar that men make. This is due to women working fewer hours, more menial jobs that require less training (such as secretary, teacher, minimum wage jobs etc) and fewer women in total being employed. When feminists use this "statistic" to argue their point, know that you are debating a moron who hasn't properly researched the very strong beliefs they hold. People like that deserve no respect.
Furthermore, the 70cent figure which is constantly quoted is very misleading as well. When the entire earnings for men and the entire earnings for women for the whole country are averaged, women average 70cents for every dollar that men make. This is due to women working fewer hours, more menial jobs that require less training (such as secretary, teacher, minimum wage jobs etc) and fewer women in total being employed. When feminists use this "statistic" to argue their point, know that you are debating a moron who hasn't properly researched the very strong beliefs they hold. People like that deserve no respect.
Gender inequality 120 comments
· 11 years ago
I recently watched a show on youtube interviewing women who were part of the feminist movement in the 1970s (when it really mattered). They all agreed that feminism is no longer needed in the western world such as america or the UK. In fact inequality has been over-estimated in many areas by militant feminists (mostly consisting of white, privileged, twenty year old females). One of the older ladies spoke about how she went to university in 1950 with absolutely no resistance and all of her lecturers treated her as an equal to the male students. When she joined the feminist movement in the 1970s it was to do with discrimination in the workplace; this kind of discrimination no longer exists because of the work they did, which is why she thought feminisim is no longer needed. Pay is not different due to gender; the only differences that can be found between a man and woman in similar jobs is due to the amount of hours worked. Men work more hours in overtime than women on average.
Tumblr 61 comments
· 11 years ago
best to get them started when they are young. Means they struggle against authority less when they get older.
You can be same all you want, but I'm different 13 comments
Minimum wage 13 comments
Jew must be kidding me 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Genital mutilation is the reason I hate judaism and islam (and some catholics). I think a lot of people would agree.