Bruce Wayne is Batman 5 comments
· 11 years ago
that's sick !
I do this a lot 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Guest 1: Your own Mariah Carey will always see your belly like a six pack ;)
Guest 2: i'm ashamed to kind of be related to you, it's not nice and immature to react just like you did. Yes, we have imperfections but life too and still, life's beautiful. And so are we :)
Guest 2: i'm ashamed to kind of be related to you, it's not nice and immature to react just like you did. Yes, we have imperfections but life too and still, life's beautiful. And so are we :)
me on valentines 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm just a guest but don't say you're alone on the internet, don't you have your awesome FunSubstance family with you ? Even if you're all in different countries, you have the chance to meet and laugh together ! :p So cheer up, cloudiness n__n
Happy Valentines/Single Awareness Day! 146 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry for that then, Satan...didn't mean to be a part of your issues
(and I find it ironic that you have trust issues...according to the fact you kinda betrayed God haha)
(and I find it ironic that you have trust issues...according to the fact you kinda betrayed God haha)
Not a bad view 2 comments
ALPHA as f*ck 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Do you know many 10 years old who did what he did ? No. That's why he's Alpha but yeah, i understand your point, fellow guest :)
When a boy's friend tells me he likes me only to find out it was a joke 8 comments
· 11 years ago
That's why I have trust issues ! Ugh, we should have a 'jerk/douche-radar' to prevent these situations and spend time in something or with someone who worth our attention and energy than this whole bullshit. Hum, hope you okay too :D *nervous laugh after realizing how long it was*
Only 3 things that don't get cold 29 comments