Let's have some fun with a hilarious band post. It's long, but worth the read! 18 comments
· 11 years ago
So, by that logic.... 24 fortes= fortissississississississississississississississississississississississimo? O_O
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 7 comments
Doge transportation 17 comments
It's complicated Merida 7 comments
· 11 years ago
All the other princesses pretty and dainty and then Pocahontas is just in the background like, "I'm too good for you. *fabulously walks away*"
As a man being called cute 18 comments
I guess you could say that was uneckspected 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Other guest, if by typo you're referring to the way they spelled "unexpected" in the title, it was meant as a pun on neck. "uNECKspected"
Did you know compilation 19 comments
· 11 years ago
That's just what the government wants you to think. The project never failed in the first place.
Best review ever 14 comments
Surrender the others 5 comments
Take a minute to think how lucky you are 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Perhaps the other guest meant that the SECOND picture of the "Gay guys hanging out" comparison should be universal?
According to Disney... 21 comments
According to Disney... 21 comments
According to Disney... 21 comments
Pretty girls making ugly faces 21 comments
· 11 years ago
How did the fourth and last girls get one eye to look straight and the other eye to look to the side?
Taking notes now 7 comments
Unlockable characters 6 comments
We still Exist 51 comments
Cutest story. 9 comments
· 11 years ago
It's always the saddest thing to watch somebody lose it like that. Someone may be physically injured, but still have the ability to talk to you and be themselves. What really gets me depressed is when they're still there, but it's like they're a different person and you know you can never get them back. It's even sadder to think about how it must feel to be them-- all their memories and thoughts slipping away... You wonder if they're still in there somewhere. This story is really touching, whether it's real or not.
This is just brilliant 16 comments
· 11 years ago
So, One Direction filmed a music video in the same place that Blink-182 filmed one, PLUS:
Blink 182-- "All the Small Things"
One Direction-- "Little Things"
Not filmed at the same place, but still titled quite similarly. Was it a coincidence?
Blink 182-- "All the Small Things"
One Direction-- "Little Things"
Not filmed at the same place, but still titled quite similarly. Was it a coincidence?
Anyone know how to play the trumpet? 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't have a goat, but I have an hourglass. Where shall we find our trumpeter?
Oh yes, inject it 15 comments
What a b**b 7 comments
· 11 years ago
It was like Extreme Makeover: Josh Peck Addition. That's right. So much extreme improvement that he deserved his own addition. Good job, Josh. Good job.
It's super effective!