
[murica intensifies] 23 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I guess she came across the wrong people ;) 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Wish I could do this to my super Christian grandmother
BRILLIANT 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Church should have zero place in laws. ZERO. I'm a taoist and you don't see me protesting other's rights to eat potatoes because my religion says it's wrong (they're part of the nightshade family, and thus associated with negative energy/yin). Besides, if you're not the one doing it then why should you get so pissy about how "wrong it is"? Plus, a lot of bible translations (*cough*King James*cough*) were purposefully translated in favor of their beliefs. People will lie to get their way. Sodom was actually talking about rape, both according to a website I once read and was then somewhat varicose by the fact a Latin speaking friend of mine said that this was true. There are also gay animals, so it can't be that unnatural. There are just so many things that bother me about this! HOWEVER: I have a friend who is both anti-gay AND racist- not to an extreme, but that, despite not actually being mean to other races, is against interracial marriages. My mom too. I just have to live with it.
Man takes care of squirrel 5 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Aaawww! This would have been a dream come true when I was little. I used to point to every squirrel I saw and tell anyone who would listen that it was my squirrel. This kinda makes me wish that was true.
When art comes alive 30 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I'm an artist... maybe if I was this good I wouldn't be broke T_T
Who wore it better? 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I want that dress SOOO bad! Jealous! But seriously, the little girl looks adorable :)
It's like i'm living in an another world! 21 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I don't know, maybe not the general public. I think I know more people who know who the Flash is than who Deadpool is. I could just have a weird group of friends though *shrugs shoulders*
It's like i'm living in an another world! 21 comments
guest · 11 years ago
*jaws drops* HOW CAN YOU GO THROUGH LIFE NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FLASH IS!!!? Seriously, that's just wrong.
As a teacher in 2014 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Also, common core and no child left behind programs. I haven't paid attention to a class in three years- and I still get straight A's. All my friends do, too, even though they read or draw all throughout class as well. It seriously sucks. We don't ever learn anything. They don't even put us in class by grades (A's and B's and the like, not 9th and 10th and such). They aren't allowed to deduct points for late work, so no one does their homework. If we only turn one thing in all semester then as long as we make an A on it, then we will have an A on our report card. Because of this so many people who really should be failing move on easy. I hate our school system.
Said my little brother 6 comments
guest · 11 years ago
My younger sister upon viewing this image: "What's it supposed to be for then?"