
Shitstorm upcoming! 44 comments
guest · 11 years ago
also very hostile to each other. which would explain all the violence, easier to get violent when you're mean
Thats retarded 42 comments
guest · 11 years ago
if you were a decendent of those europeans and had an issue with those north africans that would make sense. here you're just trying to draw a very flawed analogy. also descendants of the trans-atlantic slave trade don't act like whites alive today are the ones who subjugated them, they just want the history of what african slaves went thru to be acknowledged as well as steps taken to reform institutionalized racism that still exists today, not for people to act like just cuz it was in the past that racism doesn't exist today.
Thats retarded 42 comments
guest · 11 years ago
if you were a decendent o