Definitely true 13 comments
· 8 years ago
3 idiots, it's a Hindi movie
IPhone 6 in the back pocket 6 comments
150 Years of NYC Skylines 9 comments
Opinions kill people 14 comments
· 11 years ago
This is extremely true. It happened to me when I said I like some of justin beibers music.
Why I hate the English language 16 comments
Feels for guys everywhere 34 comments
Disney!! 66 comments
A story of cat named Gotham 10 comments
"What do you plan to do with your future?" 4 comments
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
Waaaaaat! That comment was gold!!! But I'm not gonna comment on any more justin beiber pics or anything controversial cuz I can see now it causes too much fighting and stuff. It's really not worth it especially over someone I don't even know. Anyways byeeeee!
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
I deeply regret to inform you that your degenerating opinion is neither needed nor appreciated. I sincerely apologize for the trouble I've caused by daring to voice my opinion. If you'll excuse me, I don't recall me bashing doctor who or Sherlock. Why? Ah yes of course, because I am capable of acting in a mature manner. A trait that many of you seem to lack. Nevertheless I love you all for being strong minded and honest. What do you know? There appears to be 2 sides to a story! Shocker!
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
I am so done with all of you people. I don't hate my life, everything is not wrong, I'm not a fangirl and I don't hate lesbians! I don't even know how this escalated. If you want to hate and be bitter GO AHEAD. See if anyone cares. Don't act like you're top shit. Don't be a pretentious fake ass bitch. CUZ NO ONES GIVES A FK
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
U know what! I was being perfectly polite and saying that it was my opinion and that u didn't have to agree with me. And u don't. But if you're going to be rude then ur the one with the problem, not me. They say u can express your opinion and no one will judge you. Yea I can see how true that is. Thanks a lot guys. This is the dark side of funsubstance, he side I hate and the reason why I always comment as a guest. U guys say we love everyone and are accepting but ur really not. Btw I still stand by what I say. And I'm not a fangirl
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry I wasn't trying to offend anyone. I think what I was trying to say came out wrong. I hate the person he's become. I feel that he's worked so hard to have a career and in the beginning his future seemed so promising! Things took a horrendous turn and yes he has really changed as a person. But his music is still pretty good. That's a matter of opinion tho. And as a teenage girl I do still find him attractive. I repeat I AM NOT A FANGIRL and I don't believe in self harm for anyone. I just hate it when people post rude things about him. I feel like he should be helped out of his slump. We should be signing petitions to get him into rehab or get him help or tell him to take a break, not to get him deported. He has so much talent and it saddens me to see him throw it away. And it saddens me even more to see other people stooping to his level and calling him GAY. If we could just respect him and not stoop down to his level and be mean I'd like that. We're better than that. All of us.
Why have the gods cursed me so 41 comments
· 11 years ago
He's good looking okay. Give him that. I'm not a fan girl. I would NEVER cut for him or anyone or at all! But he's made great music and ya he's made horrible life choices but u guys judging him and calling him gay brings u down to his level. U dont have to agree but u need to respect. And btw he's still pretty hot...
when the teacher picks you out for doing the best work in class 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Nah. I got ur back guest. "We're all in this together" *if u didn't sing that u need to check yourself*
Flags and Food 35 comments