Bed with zipper! 21 comments
· 11 years ago
…a sleeping bag?
Why Do All These Guys Keep Putting Me In The "Girlfriend Zone?" 50 comments
· 11 years ago
This actually happens to me. So I'm a "nice girl" so I have a lot of friends (lol haha nope diverse) and I'm a "nerd" and I attract nerds. And I wanted to be best friends and watch Dr. Who together. Cross my hearts.
Why Do All These Guys Keep Putting Me In The "Girlfriend Zone?" 50 comments
· 11 years ago
Someone who avoided the girlfriend zone *tries to be happy but ends up jealous*
Everybody fails 11 comments
This is every kind of wrong 13 comments
Took me a while to understand. 13 comments
Stahp 7 comments
· 11 years ago
When it's a new kid who doesn't know English: awwww youll get it!! JUST NOT HERE GTFO
Feels for guys everywhere 34 comments
Who's with me?!?! 65 comments
· 11 years ago
We just disagree with the weak role of the pale human girl. She's so defenses. It's kinda offensive.
Who's with me?!?! 65 comments
Who's with me?!?! 65 comments
This person tried. It didn't work. 14 comments
· 11 years ago
*valey girl voice* LIKE OH MY GAWD YALL THEY ARENT RETARDED! She was dating like a secrete transgender! Like get with it!!!
How can someone be that ignorant 21 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah you worded that badly but I agree. There should always be alternatives to having them be stuck with those kind of people.
How can someone be that ignorant 21 comments
· 11 years ago
This is why people should abort. Because they give that little fetus a shitty life. Or (preferably) find it a good couple to adopt it.
It goes both ways 70 comments
· 11 years ago
It would suck. A single parent struggling to raise you and probably having issues to love you or being adopted but being adopted isn't easy. Also, that rapist DNA or the mom's or some boyfriend may have some BAD genes. It was a mistake not thought through.
It goes both ways 70 comments
· 11 years ago
Can I just say, a lot of the times it will suck for the baby either way? Abortion I think yes is abused by teens but being raped and being forced to raise that child you're probably not ready for at all? That is a reminder EVERY DAY that you're just someone's sexual toy and that child not having another parent KNOWING THAT ITS A RESULT OF A MISTAKE is horrible. It's life?
It hurts to read 3 comments
Savage pocahontas 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Bitch you're hanging from a tree. Bitch you know nothing if you can't climb trees. (I know improper grammar)
The Little Girl in the Picture 26 comments
My transformation in the last 3 years 44 comments