
Can you see it? 42 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I can so see it
Uno reverse card the lawyer 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Even if it isn't funny I can't figure out how that'd be annoying
'have never heard of half those states, the united states are so big' 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Unpopular opinion - when you make grammatical errors you undermine your own argument. Your ethos is compromised when you aren't conscientious about grammar. Guest is still an idiot for pointing it out, though.
I keep remembering this and laughing to myself 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Im not your buddy, friend.
If you do this, mention your country 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
South Africa
Me irl 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
We did it boys 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It was never ordered
True that 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Are you single tho
Very helpful. 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Beecause when the sun shines, we shine together..told you I'll be here forever..said I'll always be your friend
TITLE 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
First time I tried it I finished two blunts and felt nothing, :( huge disappointment considering I waited forever to try it out of curiosity. The second time I was extra careful to try and make it get in my system too. Oh well, you lucky dvd player
A mystery 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
BS but a nice story
P L U M P 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
They're all like that in one way or another 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Good thing millenials are all such pure souls. F-off.
Fake news van 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
It is actually experienced when flying late afternoons / evening in the lower attitudes ( about 1000 - 3000 ft) attitudes that it is hotter due to the warm air rising. On the surface ( in winter time) it could be 15 degrees C, but in the air it is 35 degrees C.
Can you see it? 42 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I didn’t see anything until I looked at the comments...
Welcome to India vegans 18 comments
guest · 4 years ago
They just don't eat beef, because cows are a sacred animal.
We did it boys 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Seems silly unless you think about it. What better way to gauge an enemies capabilities then by attacking and then calling it off at the last minute.
My heart 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Looks like a dog to me
Shadow Hitler 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
The alchemists we need 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
i bet you're fun at parties
Best villain ever 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
He was Austrian.
They called him crazy they called him a mad man 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
aww, did a little boy cry?
'have never heard of half those states, the united states are so big' 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Hey Vulture, as an "educated American", I imagine you'd know that you don't use an apostrophe for a plural ... right? ...
"I'm with you" 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Beef and bessy are one in the same
Good to know 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Wino vs Alcoholic!
So painfully true 24 comments
guest · 4 years ago
They told us cuz they will be back in the days of dry bones. These days last think anyone wants is a 41K.
Not sure the school you went to but in my home state we all knew, why you didn't take a business class says a lot about you!
Be careful what/who you eat 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Google Lrr eats hippie
So painfully true 24 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Finally somebody smart.
Examine closely 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
You did a good thing:)
What a guy! 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Hahaha yeah, nice story, news:)
So adorable 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Christmas in July
Mi scusi 8 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Remember your safe word!
Canadian Bill board humour 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Yeah, hitting that deer at 10 mph over the speed limit will be drastically different than hitting at the speed limit.
Clinton's email server 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
When Trump is still the least bad alternative.

All the current Dem candidates said they'd choose to give free health care to illegal immigrants. That's despite not having such a thing for citizens or even just veterans. How could any of them be elected after agreeing with such a stupid statement?
Brexit Update! 16 comments
guest · 4 years ago
How DARE the British want control over their borders, rather than rely on the EU politicians to make those decisions. In fact, more countries should be annexed into the EU even if it has to be against their will, and any country that doesn't want to join should be ridiculed just as hard as we're ridiculing the UK for voting to leave.
Every. F*cking. Song. 48 comments
guest · 4 years ago
OMG!!! in my blood by Shawn menses works so well!!
Thats some bullshit right there 11 comments
guest · 4 years ago
yeah, let's take one pic and use that as an "counterargument" to a real problem.
Every. F*cking. Song. 48 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Sweet but a psyco. - ava max
After seeing the mural on the building, Dr. Barbie felt personally attacked 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
same goes for men. every dumb hick's got a penis to wave around, so get yourself a man with a brain
Respect for this invention 17 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Where do I get these
Did you know? 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
One does not simply cook a fry.
Who wants to live there with me ? 45 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Is this a real place, or is it photo-shopped ?
If its real i would love to visit there and live there for awhile !
[email protected]
We need to make new classic fairytales before it's too late 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I predicted the twist after the first sentence
And the ‘Genius Mom Award’ goes to 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
How do u text her without the wifi
NINE NINE! 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not a doctor
I lost this angel today. I need you 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I lost this angel today. I need you 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Goodbye goodest of doggies
I hear this pup was the vedt
Outsdanding move! 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I can be petty and say this is another form of male oppression of females. Women already earn less than men in certain jobs and now they won't even be able to win in athleticism because some men come and take those victories under the guise of transitioning.
Banned fish tank 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Skills 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just noticed they seem to be drawing with the mouse. Skills indeed!