
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
then you are easily swayed and therefore your opinion has less value.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Life has no inherent value. The desire to live is just a mix of self-preservation and vanity. That is one of the most basic tenets of life. That is why vaccines exist; to reduce the suffering of people who know they are suffering, or prevent suffering in people who know they have the capacity to suffer. They also allow us to prolong our pleasure-seeking activities; this is the hedonistic impulse. Life is not as special as humans make it out to be.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Plus in the grand scheme of things, no child has any measurable "worth" when it is born. Nature doesn't care whether anyone lives or dies, or if they are happy. It seems like most of the arguments against the idea is "what if they grow up to have a good life?". So what? Nobody can know that in advance. And why does being happy mean they deserve to live? In case you missed my point, this goes deeper into existential issues than just the superficial cliches everyone else seems to be spouting.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Part of the issue is how that disabled individual copes with life, but I think it is equally relevant how the parent feels about the child. If the parent hates the idea of having a disabled child they have every right to terminate the pregnancy. In fact it is only a relatively recent occurence that disabled children could be kept alive at all, nature used to take care of it. This may seem callous, but it is an equally valid viewpoint.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
It is technically a form of eugenics, which the nazi's agreed with, but it doesn't make it a nazi action.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Society suffers financially by having another mouth to feed and medical bills to pay.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I personally would want even a down syndrome child aborted.
Every girl knows this is the truth 17 comments
guest · 11 years ago
That is incredibly depressing.
When you fail, turn to science 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The most common significance level that is widely accepted is 5%, so you would have to fail 20 times at least to reach that level I would have thought.