Food in class 6 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm terrified of hyenas. Oh god… my sisters coach got attacked by one… D": it makes me shit myself
Woah, he plays hockey 38 comments
· 11 years ago
Haha it's like lacrosse or motor cross! I'm from North Carolina. But yeah they loose teeth and stuff but every girl says what lax team are you on? …OHHH you don't play lacrosse…I have to go…
How the weather has been lately... 10 comments
The worst. 9 comments
· 11 years ago
This actually my life goal to go against. So far I've gone out of the bleachers and danced led a school pep rally (I had to but I didn't back out) and one day I might die my hair. But I want to donate it to locks of love because it's an excuse to keep my hair unruly and not straightened.