
Slash on One Direction 120 comments
guest · 11 years ago
The emo life is amazing *flips amazing teased emo hair* because at least us emo kids are more mature when it comes to music.
Slash on One Direction 120 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Dude guest quit shouting, that just shows hoe immature you are, I mean I love Black Veil Brides, and if someone says that their music isnt good I wont care or say "if you say anything bad about them I will come hunt you down!!!" and another thing, Black Veil Brides are way better then No Direction (in my opinion, you can disagree with my opinion if you want) But you need to learn how to accept other peoples opinions of not liking One Direction, because every artist has hate. Because if you dont have hate you wont get better at your music, but if you dont have love as a musician, your fan base wont grow, an so there for you as a musician would be at where you started at.
Slash on One Direction 120 comments
guest · 11 years ago
THANK YOU!!! Slash is a legend! I agree with every single word he said, this is one of the main reasons why I mostly listen to metal, because metal artists put their mind, soul, and heart into their music and most importantly, their effort, and at least metal artists write their own lyrics, like Black Veil Brides, Steel Panther, etc. So if anybody says that metal is talentless ill tell them it has been around since the early 70's and they write their own lyrics.