Me as a ghost 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Legit the only thing I'm thinking right now is American horror story season one. Zachary Quinto is lifeeeee
My father's most popular dating advice 7 comments
· 10 years ago
If you compare your girlfriend to an animal, you're going to have a bad time!
George Lopez keeping it real 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I see what you're saying. The thing is, George Lopez was born in California, and he is a U.S. citizen. That's why it's not like he's wrong, because the two girls are.
A Nice Memory Of a Bad Costumer 3 comments
· 10 years ago
"look everybody! I gotta jar of ASHESSSSSS" -how that scene in pirates could've gone
It's missing a few, but it is true 33 comments
I can't even 23 comments
I learned something. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
This isn't right. The police have to come to the house/area where the call was made no matter what. Just think, if a girl calls 911 and she doesn't speak but the 911 operator feels like she's being hurt/kidnapped, and then a man takes the phone and says its just an accidental call, do you really think that they're going to risk the chance of saving a girls life? Even if it is accidental and you say it is to the operator, the police have to come still.
I bet it tastes disgusting 11 comments
Smooth as silk 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I honestly have no idea if this is real or not but this is exactly what happened between Stephenie Meyers and J.K. Rowling
The record companies are genius afterall 11 comments
· 10 years ago
same!! they have a song dedicated to suicidal girls saying that they'll always be there for them and that nobody should ever kill themselves. I prefer their fine music to some of the horrible "music" that other people sing (Justin bieber...)
I'm so angry I made this post!!! 27 comments
· 10 years ago
And they didn't even show how al liked tris, that was legit my favorite part of the book
She's still... The bomb 8 comments
· 10 years ago
"They said they didn't like the janoskians, so I set their world on fire." ;)
Truth. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
except I'd choose pop rocks and soda in my mouth rather than toothpaste and orange juice any day
I'm so excited!!!! Are you guys? 20 comments
· 10 years ago
But what would it be about??? I mean, they kinda already solved all of the problems they had...
Three bananas that look like celebrities 7 comments
*creative title* 25 comments
· 10 years ago
posting a picture of different website drawings and not including the one that its being posted on- Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him
This was OC a long time ago 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with/understand you, but most churches are filled with homophobes (I'm not trying to hate on religions, I'm just saying that it is stereotypically a thing that many religious-whether it being catholic, Lutheran, etc.- people do not promote or like LGTB individuals.)
Wow...just wow 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm crying ;-( I really did love that show, but now it's just disappointing to see how miley is.
Cute kids. Cuteness overload. 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I agree with you!!! It's sad that some of these little two year old and three year olds are prettier than me..
It is a sad day for the music industry 13 comments
For all you guys in fandoms 6 comments
Fingertrap and customs do not get on well 5 comments
"Intelligent" kid 6 comments
· 11 years ago
and technically those first four kids can see beyond the railing because they're tall enough
First post guys 8 comments
YEs 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I've just noticed that Hans kind of looks like a girl with men's clothing on and a stereotypical men's haircut
I'm still confused..... 13 comments
· 11 years ago
ooooo I get it! S/he responded to her/himself three times as if s/he were the grandmother, mother and daughter!!!!! no...that's not what that meant? okay :-(
This is how we do snowmen in florida 17 comments