
Can you see it? 42 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Princess??or just girls in dresses....
*Reverse Uno card* 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Don't be a little shit. Your mom works hard for you
Just walking my pet 18 comments
guest · 5 years ago
With her
All the faith that he had had, had had no effect on his life 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That sentance with all the 'and's would be more clear if they put quotes around the words in the sign. You know, a quote before This and between This and and and and and And and And and and and and and And and And and and and and and That and after That.
Hmm. Actually, my sentance could use quotes too. Specifically before This and between This and and and between and This and This and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and And and And and and...
I took this picture before the storm hit it's quite beautiful 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It really is a pretty picture. Keep taking them whenever you can!
Been there. Programmed that 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Skate three in an nutshell
Well shit 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They’re both psychotic!
Dad: lemme just screw my daughter
Mom: lemme just fuckin kill you and cook you up .(hope she didn’t eat him)
If this is true, then much love for Japan! 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
there’s on in the US too! called old friends senior dog sanctuary, would recommend following their instagram or facebook accounts it’s adorable!
Lightning in Moody, Alabama today 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Gas is only 2.36 there!?!??!
Men's Restroom at Church Today 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I needed this!
Gurl you need some balance in your life 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You're a mean one.
This was unfortunately taken down once the staff noticed 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol - it’s funny how you can’t separate a problem from a partisan line. He was only saying the hypocrisy of one group was fun to watch, regardless of the group. It’s also ironic that you bring up republican crimes when democrats haven’t been prosecuted either (ahem... emails). Nothing like selective memory to fuel the outrage
This was unfortunately taken down once the staff noticed 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The report explicitly does not exonerate Trump, and details dozens of corrupt actions taken to hide or destroy evidence. If the parties involved were reversed you would be sharpening pitchforks and loading magazines. But Republican crimes don't count I guess.
Ugly 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Brutal XD
Perfection 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They’re very close. They sometimes have sleepovers. In my bed. With me in it.
All aboard the banana train! 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Their kid is right there in the middle
Helpless hoc Wasp 38 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And they also sweat milk given they have no teats, and also their plural is actually technically platypodes given it's from Greek.
This week in science 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not really. That's just phage therapy; an old idea making a comeback.
The cast of “Friends” went on a trip to Vegas before the show aired in 1994 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Never liked anything about that show, except phoebe,,,,smelly cat
That’s a REALLY good question 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He put fingers and thumbs other places but not in the mouth
Cutie 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
F**k this banana! 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Bana nana na na na na na... banana!
Anon loses his money 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And news still said that 4chan bot are dangerous people
No lie, I'll date him. 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I thought HE was a SHE
bill 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not comparing it to classics, but this movie is f*cking incredible 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yes! Amazing movie, never got enough attention
Helpless hoc Wasp 38 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Platypus are smaller than you think
"influencers" drama 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It's worth a second look
I can’t be the only one who see similarities 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
John Goodman to play the part on SNL!!
So much for confidentiality 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That's a clit
C'est pas Cersei 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh god, the French are taking over!!!
R.I.P bob hawke 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
F*cking legend. End of an era. RIP mate.
Got my dog a big bone for his birthday. It looks like he's eating his own roasted leg 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Why would you say oh look doggos eating his own freaking leg?!? That’s messed up, dude.
No wonder his back hurt so bad 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A bullet flattens on impact with the victim. This is even more true with a hollow point. That is what makes them deadlier. Also, after 2 years his immune system would have surrounded the projectile with a layer of tissue, similar to how an oyster surrounds a grain of sand with minerals to create a pearl. I have a hard time believing that the very thin amount of skin holding this bullet in would have been capable of holding up to the pressure of washing, being slept on, rubbing the seat of a car, chair,etc.
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He is such a wanker he couldn't pull out his wanker to take a piss
The Look of Happiness 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Amazing paintwork on a train 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Graffiti is wrong, no matter how nice the art is. If you want to showcase your art, get a studio. This is just wilful destruction of public property.
Prison cell in Denmark’s new maximum security prison 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
ok, non-fun comment; Denmark has a different thought process behind crime prevention: to help people NOT commit crimes rather than just focus on punishment. The idea is that sooner or later, all these men and women will be back in society and the goal is to help them be contributing members of society, not resentful, socially, educationally and emotionally regressed and aggressive human messes. Another way of looking at it: in America we resent the person for committing crime. In Denmark, they resent that a crime was committed. America may say we are tough on crime, or have a war on crime. Yet the prison populations are growing. Not sure who has the right answer... just know I don't.
Now more relevant than ever in USA 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He had one of his friends take this picture so he could post it on his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram page. He doesn't really give a shit about the issue, just wants everyone to think he's a caring, open minded, intellectual and not the easily-swayed, trendy, self-important douche that he really is. Unfortunately, the clothing and minimal-effort sign give him away.
No lie, I'll date him. 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hula Hooper with her Pooper! 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Throw that a$$ in a circle
An apple a day keeps the mom away? 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Spookiest nude I've seen in a while. 10 bones out of 10
No lie, I'll date him. 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
'"Aren't supposed to" How does doing it prove that point wrong? Is like people saying you "arent supposed to" steal then continue to steal while saying "OH YA?"
This lad is a hero 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Refugees welcome
No lie, I'll date him. 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I love it when the homepage answers its own question 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Try working for a living you lazy pieces of sht
No lie, I'll date him. 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is why Trump will win 2020
Prison cell in Denmark’s new maximum security prison 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Curtains in a max security cell? Don't think so.
It's art 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wow, u suck at art
Both sides of my brain when I meet a new guy 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So me, sorry guys