I just do this whenever I see those six lines lined up like that 68 comments
· 10 years ago
I did this back in my elementary in Hawaii. I'm not sure who started it, but I remember the boy who taught me how to make it was named Brandon. I always thought it meant superman.
Changing Your Bra 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I change mine daily. This is the first time heard that you didn't have to do that.
oh shit 2 comments
· 10 years ago
I found out recently that friend threatened my boyfriend with this picture and a video of her cutting a sausage.
Teach me how to do my taxes!! 27 comments
· 10 years ago
My school actually does have that class and it actually requires you to pass these classes before you can graduate. It's called Career and Life Planning. Is this just my school? We are requires to take it in our freshman year.
You're welcome 30 comments
That's right, peasants! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Except when it happens all the time and you become a teacher favorite without really trying and then your classmates start to hate you for it and begin talking behind your back. Then next thing you know a good friend of yours starts taking crap about you too and the entire class body looks at you like a "know it all" who apparently is always bragging about how good she is. Then, you get bullied and shit happens. Thankfully, you had a good set of REAL friends by your side at that time and you never thought of hurting yourself for a shitty year of crap happening behind your back.
If my friends are reading this, thank you for that since I never really got to say it in person after I moved away.
Sorry for the big read, but this was something I had to get off my back.
If my friends are reading this, thank you for that since I never really got to say it in person after I moved away.
Sorry for the big read, but this was something I had to get off my back.
Young people these days 6 comments
· 10 years ago
This is so true. Especially among my group of friends who range from 14-21. It's a theatre group if you wondering.
Ice cream 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Did anyone else notice the door in the middle of Africa? Is there like no data at that point or is that just the picture?
The women of Tumblr 24 comments
I was smart in high school 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, my school teaches you how to make a resume and how to manage your money in the freshman year, so everyone in my class already had a pretty impressive looking resume by junior year.
Past and future cars 8 comments
Girls really do this 52 comments
· 10 years ago
Yup we do just we aren't obvious. It's like farts, it happens, just girls tend to be caught less often.
What I do when in bed 6 comments
A person with bad hearing 20 comments
Imagine if it actually happened... 9 comments
· 11 years ago
And the real couple ends up being
...Adele and Taylor!!!!!
(Until they break up)
...Adele and Taylor!!!!!
(Until they break up)
Clever transformable furniture 1 comments
Did you check everywhere, Watson? 3 comments
The silence shall fall 28 comments
Best way to get rid of them! 5 comments
«A Truth Bomb Drops From The Sky» 2 comments
Chuckles at its finest 31 comments
· 11 years ago
For #12 it's a math thing. We count by the DEC or decimal system which is base-10, which every time we reach 10, we write ten so 25 is still 25. If we count by OCT or the octal system, we are counting every 8 that we meet. It looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10. By translating 31 in the octal system into a number in the decimal system, we get 25.
Chuckles at its finest 31 comments
Lover greetings .. If I had one 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Did everyone else have a special voice for each one? I haven't heard Fat Albert in so many years before he appeared in my head today.
What Did He Whisper 77 comments
Earth's obsession with Mars 2 comments
slightly punk kids please 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I do that with my Doctor Who stuff. Walked through college campus full Doctor gear on, got hit on once. NEW RECORD!!!
So I'm jealous all the time...? 31 comments
Me trying to get my life together 2 comments
P.S. Pointing out that you're at one of the best schools in the country, bringing up being a honor roll captain, and pointing out how priviliged you are only succeeds in making you sound like you're bragging