
Play with your damn blocks 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is fifteen the best layer? I usually mine at five, which is right above bedrock.
Blending in at the office 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wow floating shoes...
Something you should read. 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I caught it at the first line haha no one can trick me twice xD
What the f*ck, man 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm American and I'm obsessed with tea. It's ok, join the club. :D
Baby hippo and old tortoise become best friends 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is this about Owen and Mzee?
Mattresses are delish 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I watched this one!
He can't bear it anymore 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Haha, portals?
Ed Sheeran 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ughhhhh that happens with so many hot people...
New pokemon??? Let me just grab my pokeballs 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm confused who is talking...
Lol im beer 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It looks like someone invisible is pouring a snake out of a can
Wall sockets 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
What I'm American and my wall sockets look confused not annoyed,
What if we're already dead and reliving the 7 minutes of our lives right now 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I worry that my whole life is just a dream and when I wake up i will actually be in a totally alien world.
I've got them outsmarted 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
We have the same problem in Autstralia too. 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Kebabs are just from the Middle East, judging from the ones I've eaten.
Badass Pink 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Cool, because pink is all the colors of the light reflected except for green, I guess you like pink a lot then? :)
What happened to Lindsay Lohan? 20 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yeah but she looks like a slut
Why are you so quiet? 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Gotta try these...
Yes 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Men can get breast cancer too, and prostate cancer
really is 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Wait me too, either we are normal or both crazy
Me when life... 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I just don't like them.... 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
:( okay...
Meanwhile in Soviet Russia 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It means nothing it's just a reverse of the original fairy tale
Good Guy Ikea... 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
this girl's birthday is on valentines day. I bet her parents saw this deal.
We just have to worry about our camel-toes 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ugh so do I... Then I push it down and it just pops back up its so awkward...
f*ck you and your happiness 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I can't stop laughing hellpppp
Quotes 4 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Well said.
Gotta love 'em 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Haha couldn't have been said better
You will be remembered 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This is making me feel uncomfortable
Doge is like Starfire 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Doge is like Starfire 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I always thought up Doug from the movie up :)
You still know what this is? 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
My sister just got her car, she has these windows, they still make these.
Everyone should read THIS. 61 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This made me cry...
Yes 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Well men have their own gender cancers too go look it up. And it doesn't matter how likely you are to get cancer, because we didn't get to choose our gender or the fact of getting cancer.
Yes 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm a girl and dogs are my best friend. Not a diamond,
Yes 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But you can buy a dog with the rock so who's the winner now.
Yes 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Uhmmmm I'm a girl and frankly I don't even care about diamonds, unless it's my wedding ring but that's a one time thing. I don't own any diamonds , personally my best friend is music or maybe an actuall person who can be a friend
Meanwhile in Soviet Russia 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The seven snow whites find the sleeping dwarf
E-reader vs book 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I like books because I can physically see how much I have left to read.
This sums up my valentines day 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It says it sums up their valentines day, not that it is in valentines day or that it is them in valentines day. The main point is that they are forever alone.
Quickest way to australianize any picture 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It actually works...
Whoa. Tree 38 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That's an awesome climbing tree... I wanna test it out :D
Hand soap 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ugh bad image...
How alarm clocks must feel 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Maybe if you get nice music it won't be as sudden...
Very real science facts 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
All blood is always red. Look at the skin in the palm of your hands. It's pink, isn't it. Blood. Got embarrassed and blushed? The pink was blood. The only reason veins look blue is because some of them are blue, the blood inside them is red.
Damn.. 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Ugh this sucks..
How do you not like cats 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Alpha female 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I disagree with the lady bitching about that guy opening the door, he was just being nice, but still the other lady could've just stood up for the guy instead of just insulting herself and every other woman who drives
They are real 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I loved this movie!