
Born a winner 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's all fun and games until the blue shells come out
When you just want to enjoy a bath and you got blocked 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Just let him play
Dogs break up a cat fight 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Never seen anything like that!
Good guy Bichelangelo 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Who's hungry? 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I wonder what she will wish for?
Dad saves kid from falling off bridge 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The thing
1500 lbs manta ray 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
For 20 seconds, to get a photo, what an asshole
Bikini Bottom has Universal Basic Income 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bikini Bottom could just be doing well in a capitalist society with relatively little regulations, low taxes to encourage investment and job creation, and no fiat currency so their money doesn't heavily depreciate. Or it could just be a cartoon.
I get tired of people trying to use children's cartoons or other random crap to try justify an economic or political philosophy.
This Leopards damaged eye 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is a Shinnegan. A kekeigenkai if you will. It's not damaged, just let's him see the blod vessels in his pray. Uses a lot of chakra though
But you would suck it too 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
But if some guy reads that self-written description and thinks she "puts out," then HE'S the jerk.
Happy loaf 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And sleeping makes it come quicker
Has it changed much? 49 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I find it condescending to say "come into 2018 iceman." But, I don't see the same in my posts saying, essentially, "don't let the negative sentiments become your excuses for not trying to make something of your life." There were challenges then, and plenty challenges now. There are resources and opportunities now that we didn't have 40 years ago, so,don't let someone else's whining about how hard things are keep you from doing things that will provide for you financially and be the things that occupy your time and contribute to others.

It's also basic economics that if you price something beyond what it's worth, there won't be many (or any) purchasers of it. So if you price labor above what it's worth to the employers that consume labor, they'll auto,ate or find a way to use as little,of it as possible. Making minimum wage non-viable by raising it will harm people looking for their first job. why does every job have the "right" to be able to support a family?
Good guy Bichelangelo 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What's the worst joke you've ever heard? Now you know 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ah ok, thanks :)
What's the worst joke you've ever heard? Now you know 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I'm a bit slow today, could someone explain?
Avenger meme 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The last face before death 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
no he did not
Said that right 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And had to get skin grafts and McDs wouldn’t cover the medical bills (which is all she asked for), they offered $800.
Worth sharing for anyone with a dog 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
you guys know that dogs turn blind if they eat sugar?
Congratulations on your degree 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
How to grow an avocado tree 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
How to benefit from nuts to seeds. Composting produces rich soil.
Don't follow the crowd 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
didn't see that coming 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I don't understand XD
Lay down and die 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Coyote Peterson voluntarily got stung by one for his YouTube channel Brave Wilderness. Check that out. He even got stung by the Bullet Ant.
Do you also see it? 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is a fucking predator.
This homemade Power Armor 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Was it hard to make
This homemade Power Armor 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Avenger meme 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I'd love to see this!
Who's hungry? 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
No, they’ve gotta be from dr... du... durarara!
Mormons 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ahh Utah... never change
The worst way to propose to someone ever 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
For the future war of humanity 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Trending faster than eating tide pods
B*sty Girl Problems 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Stop saying that it’s lies if ur flat chested then ur not busty and if your not busty this doesn’t apply to you bc is busty girl have these problems
B*sty Girl Problems 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Omg I’m 12 and almost a d don’t wish for big boobs they hurt and jiggle
Asking the real questions here 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I asked my doctor about this because I would do it in my sleep. Apparently it's because you don't have your head elevated enough. Basically, I had a bad pillow
Who doesn't want to sleep tonight?! 69 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you know the true story it's not that bad, the old man was a master of noises and young people kept his small kids up at night partying in the tunnel. So he started scaring them off. I've met his so called dead kids a few times.
Chile is also beautiful 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A new start 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A nustart?
The most ridiculous death possible. Stabbed pinkie? 126 comments
guest · 6 years ago
same plus I have one on my colar bone what do you think happened?
No, let me finish him! 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's a Boy..And he is very athletic
Or just wie on youtube 3yr old athletic
He is amazing
A new start 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I love Arrested Development! For sure one of the funniest shows of all time IMO
Suck him dry 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Haha, this joke is a century old. Dude this is not the norm anymore. Get over it.
Alien vs Predator 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
America so f#%ck up. He is better being quiet or not getting involved due to deportation.
there are too many of them 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Day number 47: our supplies are diminishing at an alarming rate. We've had to resort to dangerous measures for the safety of the remaining people. We had 3 layers if defense until day 45, when they penetrared wall one and two. Our last defence will not hold up much longer. The will of the people to fight is strong. I can't Bring myself to let them know that no help is coming.. And that our days are counted
The most ridiculous death possible. Stabbed pinkie? 126 comments
guest · 6 years ago
when I was born I had a huge Mongolian spot that covered my entire back and butt... it went away
frozen mind blown 71 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In the book "Frozen", the Southern Isles are rocky islands that are very cold and have many horrible storms.
I’m a mix between the both 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Apparently it's trying to communicate
Lay down and die 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Nuke the entire site from orbit
It's all in how you market it 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you think that's what taxes are about you are not paying attention
Lol this is like me 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Wow...that is exactly what I would have thought. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO TALK TO YOUR CRUSH????? UGHHH