
Purses and wallets made of legal Venezuelan currency. This is what hyperinflation looks li 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Doesn’t look like it’s defaced, just folded.
It’s Art 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Please recycle your bottles and avoid using paper cups/ plates if you can. Let's all try and be more environmentally friendly people!
Good son 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I second that
Friends 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
two guys, sitting in a hot tub, no feet apart cause they're so gay
teeth 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
F**k with this counselling theory 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Selling your soul to Satan is roughly equal to pi (314 % = 3.14). So, geometry and trigonometry is satanic. I KNEW IT.
Purses and wallets made of legal Venezuelan currency. This is what hyperinflation looks li 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Isn't defacing money illegal even in Venezuela?
Purses and wallets made of legal Venezuelan currency. This is what hyperinflation looks li 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sell that shit on the internet and you’ll make a killing.... errmmm poor choice of words?
Seizure warning in Incredibles 2! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Serious question, would watching this with the lights up reduce the possibility of migraines and seizures? Our theater has showings for those who can't attend the movie under standard movie environment circumstances that has the volume turned down and lights turned up. Yours may too if that helps!
Humanity comes before religion 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
diyrogue, his hair isn’t cut. I thought it was at first but he had a bun on the top of his head.
When Toto Africa is life 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Either way, both suck.
Confusement 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because one is obviously bacon!
Mother's vengeance 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Hell hath no fury like a mum!!!!!
GF burn 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Give it a lick
F**k with this counselling theory 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And a 100% reason to remember the name
Waiter asks a couple how long they have been together 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
They're fucking on the side
The suck at being bad 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Is this loss?
The planets 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
At first I was so confused
He was only a cat 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I read that book about the Library cat. It was so good! God gave us animals to touch our hearts and teach us what pure unconditional love is.
Luke irl 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
IS THAT WHAT ONCE REMOVED MEANS all these years I thought they were banished from the family for some reason. You are no longer my cousin! - once removed
The world’s tallest filing cabinet 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Files on all the men your mum has banged
Can't even be a loser 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
As in "you're mom gay". Easy as ABC.
Oh. 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Still funny after 22 years *I feel real old now* 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The magic of happiness 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Love how the Grandpa is just as excited as all the kids. :)
An improvement 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I always though the "marriage = game over" shirt design was really gross and even when taken as a joke, it was just done in bad taste. Kudos to you for fixing it!
I'm a fish now. 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Welcome to Thailand. It's 30+ celsius out, humid, and there's so many strays some of them gotta stay ahead of the curve.
My mom has to tell me to go to sleep, like a reverse alarm clock 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
After I tell myself to sleep, usually I go to sleep a few hours later
SNEAK 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
He needs to pull his pants up
This needs to be funded 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
and i can't see it
You can make fun of the minions, it's okay 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
what, you like nazis too?
Elon no! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
i rlly want to be friends with elon
Russian language 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
[roasting trump in russian]
The most ridiculous death possible. Stabbed pinkie? 126 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Then I apperently got killed in my butt and forehead
Going outside 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Fruitsgood should just be less of a fruit.
Seizure warning in Incredibles 2! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
they put flashes. in a kids movie. when literally 5% of kids will have some form of seizure. nice.
Every f**king time 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Half bad series
How do they make money 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
parents ofc
It's good to be safe 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In china, cars drop down from the sky
Hey elon 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Will this be before or after the flying cars we were promised?
Because we're always on the computer 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She released documents that showed Russia targeted voting software companies and election officials with spear phishing emails. There's no evidence anything was actually compromised. Releasing classified government documents is illegal - even if you feel you have a good reason.
Sucking sauce prank 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So funny does this acshally work srry I don't know how to spell today
“Sorry for the quality, I took this picture with a potato.” 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
*Indiana Jones theme plays*
The coziest lawn 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
.... lawn?
What the f**k is wrong with some people 45 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Would all you guys still be going apeshit if he'd said, "I can't bathe my daughter after age 2 because there's a certain point where modesty prevails?"
I'm a fish now. 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Oh I do... 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Steve walters
the "stranger things" kids are savage 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I can't WAIT until season 3