
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Lax39 if your point is that its against religions to have gay marriage the dead body eating has nothing to do with it because there is no religion that encourages eating dead bodies and if you have permission from the person before they die then it is perfectly legal. So technically the law forbids you from marring someone you love (if you are gay) but allows dead body eating if you have permission.
Reasons Against Gay Marriage 77 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I think that if fun substance can accept you. Then your friends can too. Even if they don't agree they can live with it. If they can't live with it find new friends that support you. I hope one day you will come out of the closet and have a supporting group that loves you as a person who is confident in yourself. Good luck!
The truth 31 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Inner beauty is what matters but she is beautiful on the outside too. She will have scars from this and scars tell a story. Whether its an emotional scar or physical it will define her as a person. Which is also beautiful.
Destroying gender roles 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
What if the child's parents r gay. Genius.