
Confessions 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A "Latin" coworker would not be somebody that speaks Latin, it would be somebody from Latin America. One of the common languages there is indeed Spanish
20 weird things about America that Americans don't find weird 71 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Quite a few of these things are either not just an American thing, or not an all over America thing. Non-Americans just love to lump everybody together and forget the fact that the US is a very large country. It'd be like lumping British, Portuguese, and Germans as all the same people because they are all European.
Summer stockings 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
pretty sure thats just a sun dress, not a towel, but ya you can see 1 leg behind her calf
When my inventory is full and I can't carry any more loot 21 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Pretty sure the title is just fine. "cant carry any more loot" means there is a new item you want to loot, but cant because inventory is full. No need to reword it, its already right.
Baby boomers 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
poor, middle, and many "upper" class people) don't even account for 30% of income taxes. 9 out of 10 people don't even contribute to 1/3 of the taxes.
But you are totally right, the poor pay the majority of taxes, those dam richies don't contribute at all /sarcasm
Baby boomers 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
There have always been the "super rich" throughout pretty much all of history. In recentish time, Carnegie and Rockefeller were both many times richer than Bill Gates if you adjust for inflation. Back in Europe the Royalty was always much richer than the common peasants. Over in Egypt Pharaohs were immensely richer than the common people and its the same all throughout history. Income disparity is by no means new. As to the rich hardly paying any taxes and the poor paying the majority. I literally spit coffee on my desk reading that. The top 1%ers pay over 36% of the federal income taxes. go up to the top 5% earners and it shoots up to over 58%. Top 10% earners and its over 70%. Bring it up to 50%, which means every single person making median income or better, and its 97.75% of federal income taxes. That means HALF, let me repeat that HALF of the population is contributing 2.25% of federal income taxes. Another sad fact, the bottom 90% of the population (this means every poor, middle,
Baby boomers 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So much wrong with this I'm not sure where to start. Baby boomers were born in the 50s so lets say 1970 ish is when they got out of school to work. Minimum wage $1.45, minimum wage today 500% higher (or more in many states). Minimum wage is a terrible comparison tool because its meant for the lowest end jobs that usually have high turnover, if you get any sort of raise at all, you aren't making minimum wage anymore and can't really use it as a basis for anything. 1 person making 1.45 an hour could definitely not support a family of 5 back then. I'll agree that it was much easier for 1 person to make the income for a household than it is today, but bare minimum wage wouldnt cut it. Lumping all baby boomers together to accuse them of things like Enron would be as bad as lumping all younger people together to blame them for school shootings. Its an extremely small number of people that did it and the rest of em had absolutely nothing to do with it so why lump em together?
I learned something. 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And how exactly would they know if you are telling the truth or not if you are any good at lying?
Expensive restaurants be like 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So I was intrigued enough to look up why the $ sign goes in front. Doesn't really seem to be any definitive answers.
Some possibilities are:
1) It originally came from latin and was spoken as, for example, dollars two for $2 (wouldn't be dollars, but whatever currency being used)
2) Its sort of an intro to let you know its a currency before reading it, similar to the upside down ? in some languages or " at the start of a quote to let you know what your about to read is in fact a question/quote
3) Something to do with showing what currency it is first, so you know you are talking in dollars/pounds/pesos/etc. before you even read the amount
4) Its put at the front so that a person couldn't add in numbers. Its the written form, so its usually something you write out and give to another person (check, invoice, etc.) This prevents them from adding digits to it and making that $42 check you wrote a $8342 check
These are my confessions 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Rather than passive aggressively "getting them back" you coulda just manned up and said something to the person. Sure the person is gonna be in the bathroom for a day (haha, such a good prank, you so funny), but they aren't gonna just think "well this is karma for me saying bad things about that fat chick" and they are gonna keep on doing it.
If you think what the person is saying is wrong, point it out to em. Make em feel bad for saying it and they are much less likely to do it again.
Black widow 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That was the joke the guy was initially going for, yes
Medal deserving 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
They are called "extra" curricular for a reason. They aren't part of school, they are EXTRA. If the kid enjoys playing a sport, playing an instrument, or some other club, I'm all for it. However, they CHOOSE to be in those things, so they don't get to complain and lump it together with "school" time. Actual school takes up maybe 7 hours, including all the breaks and lunch. Quit trying to make it out to be some 14 hour every day job that you then have to go home and do hours more.
What if I told ya, I believe ya? 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
whoa bro, that guest didn't reply to you he just commented after you
Guy was too drunk to get it 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
don't let the guy screw the cookie dough next time