Love it back. 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I meant like eating junk food, eating too much, not working out, etc haha
Love it back. 13 comments
What your favorite Emojis really mean... 8 comments
This should be a no brainer 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Also we have to send troops because terrorits can infect themselves and then have a ten day period to travel around the world infecting as many people as possible who will then spread the disease
murica 38 comments
· 9 years ago
as a texan this is accurate except California needs to shrink down and texas needs to be much bigger
impressive backflip 14 comments
· 10 years ago
actually it was not illegal when she did it... the rules only said landing on both blades was illegal but she only landed on one, she bent the rules because she was angry about racial corruption in the Olympics
At least the fans are safe 5 comments
Ali g 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm just saying pro-choice and pro-life have one large difference.
If pro-choice "wins", pro-life people can chose not to have an abortion.
If pro-life "wins", pro-choice people can't have an abortion period.
If pro-choice "wins", pro-life people can chose not to have an abortion.
If pro-life "wins", pro-choice people can't have an abortion period.
Not sure if cheating 7 comments
Finland's Impressive Education System 50 comments
· 10 years ago
At my school (high school) we rarely have homework, maybe an hour-two a day. However, you have to study to succeed. Like crazy amounts. To do well on any test, you must put like 5-15 hrs and we have a test every other day or more
If only I had a girlfriend 6 comments
Keep the light in your eyes and never apologize. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
yea in middle school if someone talked about something too much (ie. soccer) they'd be known as that girl who like all she can talk about is soccer and everyone would get so annoyed by her and I was always the one person asking why is that so annoying?
A very useful car trick 311 comments
· 10 years ago
my car doesn't have a key even... its a little box that just has to be in the car somewhere for it to start
When my atheist friends tell me they're superstitious 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I am an atheist, and I don't REALLY believe in superstitions but I participate in some of them because they are fun, harmless, and everyones doing it... ie I'n not going to be the awkward person who doesn't knock on wood due to my lack of relgion...
To grow or not to grow...... 6 comments
Very true. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Bende turce konusiyorum (uma pek iyi yazamiyorum ve okuyamiyorum...) uma benim bildiklerim kufurler cok desik bundan... boku duydum uma hic kandi basina soledini duymadim... bok oldu filan duydum uma hayatimda hic birisini bok bardigni duymadim... sik dir git filan cok duydum uma... herkez deysik! kotu turcemicin cok uzurdiliyorum :(
We want Pluto back 18 comments
When people talk during your show 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm the person who constantly makes comments during shows and movies so some people refuse to sit by me
Coffee Problems 6 comments
I have no idea why his mother worried 16 comments
· 10 years ago
If you meanted died, YES PEOPLE HAVE DIED. If you meant fired idk what that means... But otherwise stop making stuff up to defend your drug. I know you want to justify it and honestly I don't care what potsmokers do to themselves. But what drinkers and potsmokers are doing to innocent people is horrendous. (i put a space after www to allow the link)
Sorry Dad 25 comments
This is one reason why I love Stephen King 6 comments
· 10 years ago
In this case, he's right, but don't forget how it's easy to build up or belittle anything.
Ie. Twilight is about handling the difficulties of love and relationships as well as finding yourself, whereas Harry Potter is about flying broom games...
Ie. Twilight is about handling the difficulties of love and relationships as well as finding yourself, whereas Harry Potter is about flying broom games...
'Murica strikes again 13 comments
Putting a Highlighter Into The Microwave 14 comments
Good friend vs Best friend 6 comments
· 10 years ago
It's because since you and your best friend are the same person, y'all make the same errors in judgement at the same time.
Number 28 Though 99 comments
· 10 years ago
Wouldn't "Go." be the shortest setence because it has an implied subject and obviously a verb?
A sad day 2 comments
· 10 years ago
When I was little I stapled a piece of paper as many times as I could and then made the monster attack the poor defenseless staples
If you are Austin, 5 comments
'Frica vs. 'Murica 41 comments
· 10 years ago
The second comment wasn't because I (a guest) cares about downvotes. It was because people can't realizing acting like they are in a different league than another group of people and therefore their smaller problems are as important as the major problems of those people makes them spoiled. Sorry thought it was obvious