Something kinda important to keep in mind 2 comments
· 9 years ago
Because you have to be a physicist to know your arm will get tired after holding something for a long period of time
I'll Just Go Cry In A Corner 16 comments
I'm gonna make friends this year! 19 comments
Amazing and realistic Lara Croft cosplay 1 comments
How librarians reproduce 1 comments
Otters... 20 comments
· 9 years ago
what if they don't enjoy sliding down river banks? what if it terrifies them but they feel obligated to do it cause its otter tradition?
Just think about it 26 comments
· 9 years ago
because beyonce isn't severely underpaying people beneath her to pad her own pockets
I need clarification: does this actually happen? 91 comments
· 9 years ago
why do they say you don't need your gun in the grocery store? what if someone goes in there to shoot it up or rob it? wouldn't you want one of these people who are legally carrying their guns to stop him? or just have everybody else be stuck in there unarmed as someone goes on a rampage?
A mini island made from a 102 years old abandoned ship 13 comments
· 9 years ago
It is sunk into the ocean floor so it would probably cost more to get the metal out then the metal itself is actually worth. I've also heard that there is gas/oil trapped in and they wouldn't be able to get the metal out without releasing all the gas/oil into the ocean which would be really bad and very expensive to clean up.
This is the cause of popping in your knuckles 9 comments
· 9 years ago
It's true the 'popping' doesn't cause it but the stretching and bending of the joints to far to get it to pop can cause it
Ricky Gervais' Thoughts on Gay Marriage 24 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't care that its legal for gays to get married now but I hate when they call it equality now because it was already equality before. it wasn't discrimination before, gay people had just as much right to get married as anyone else did. it just had to be to the opposite sex which is the only logical form of marriage for the growth and advancement of human kind.
#LoveWins 19 comments
· 9 years ago
so impartial 3rd party here but if you read the comments it really seems like the people for gay marriage are more belligerent and argumentative. but that's just one mans opinion...
Rare quadruple rainbow in NY 10 comments
It's the same thing with cancer 6 comments
Go mom! 23 comments
· 9 years ago
you're right. but it should be a first impression of that certain person, not of an entire religion based on those few people.
I want to be alone...But with somebody else 48 comments
Oldest evidence 24 comments
· 9 years ago
how in the hell can they know that those foot prints were put there 26,000 years ago??? I walked thru the mud in my yard yesterday and my foot prints are already gone!
Pro-choice 153 comments
· 9 years ago
Well haven't heard that argument before. Wonder how women feel about their bodies being pregnant compared to dead corpses having organs taken out of them...
funny title 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Its true you should be careful not to judge. But a lot of times people wear clothes, or do other things, based on their character.
I can't be the only one 43 comments
it would be impossible to be sad living here 43 comments
How to defend yourself from a choke 7 comments
I'm scared now 13 comments