
Have you watched tfios yet? 27 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I saw the trailer on mute and first thought it was a sweet story about a brother cheering up his sister until I saw the end and was horrified. Here's a tip, if your going to make a love story, don't choose actors that look like they share the same mom and dad. I won't be seeing it as well for this disturbing reason.
White people 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Racoons eat meat so they would not stop biting once they hit her flesh.
Smashing 12 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Love his wide leg stance.
Knife cutting 10 bottles 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It would work with necks as long as you don't hit the bone.
Picture perfect prom 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I hope they fix that bridge.
So this duck thinks my pool is a pond 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Be careful, ducks love to poo where they swim.
In an Alternate Universe... 9 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Like my grandma always said, "If men were the ones to have babies, every family would have only one child."
Do you need a bag? 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Not in God's house! 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
A habit is what they wear on their heads. I'm not confident in my puns.
Not in God's house! 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Mad skills are a good habit.
National geographic troll 40 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You cannot believe in the Christian God and evolution, Christians are not allowed to pick and choose what the bible tell us and still call themselves Christians. For the record, I believe everything the bible tells me. Downvote away.
National geographic troll 40 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Darwin's theorys have been disproven people, he thought that eyes evolved from freckles for goodness sake! He may have been the first to write a book about evolution, but all his ideas can safely be called silly when seen from a modern viewpoint. It's like how we give the greeks a lot of credit for modern thinking, but their thoughts were silly as well. For example, they thought the sun was a giant flaming rock. While we can still argue how we got here, Darwin would no longer be allowed to comment because he has been so thoroughly disproven even if he was the one who started the argument in the first place. That's what ewqua was trying to say.
H̶͢e ͢c҉ó͝͞m̕es̕ 65 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I love Ponyo and I can totally imagine what you're describing.
Justin Bieber vs. Miley Cyrus 37 comments
guest · 9 years ago
But they are both adults now, you need to stop blaming the parents. JB and MC need to take responsibility for their own actions because they are now adults who make their own decisions, saying it's not their fault because the parents are the ones to blame is just as bad as those who idolize them and claim they can to no wrong.
Fat heroes 43 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Godzilla is the reaction from the Earth caused by pollution and nuclear fallout. He isn't a hero or a villian, Godzilla is simply a force of nature regardless if the consequences are good or bad.
We need this. 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
People want it to be a Disney princess because Disney makes the highest grade animated movies time after time. When they put something into a movie, it becomes law. And is it weird that I always wanted to be Beast while he was still a beast?
This is the first time a post has actually made me cry 46 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Feral cats that are that beat up are vicious. It's the only way they can survive and that's how they get so ugly, it's a direct result of being very mean. A feral cat that is that beat up and close to dying is even more vicious. Even a sweetie-pie cat that is close to death can become mean, a feral one much more so. American Dad even did a whole eposide about it. Also seeing that this came from a motivational website, I can safely say that this is either entirely made-up, or someone is projecting feelings from the memory of a pet onto a feral cat making it a misguided but still made-up story.
I couldn't have said it better myself 97 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Imho, I think male sports are better to watch because men are much more aggressive when playing, while the women almost seem to be afaid to be hurt, making things much less exciting. I think things will change in the years to come, like how male basketball 50 years ago was boring as hell, but that's all people had so they watched it. Strategies changed and so did expectations of how the game is played. Women basketball is much younger and they still have hangups that male basketball had 50 years ago, but now people have a choice in what they watch, so no one watches women's basketball because they are so timid and, well, boring. I do really enjoy watching the ladies (and men) fight aggressively in the UFC, but until it becomes accepted and expected for a woman to have a bloodied up face, men will continue to dominate the sport, just like they do in other sport areas.
Lil' crabapple 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Crabapples are incredibly tart tiny apples that are usually red. They're perfecty safe to eat, but they'll pucker the hell out of your mouth. Crabapples are usually made in to jams and chuntneys where the addition of sugar offsets the tartness, allowing the flavor to be enjoyed.
Kitten force fed vegan food nearly dies 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Vegan cat foods are made with GMOs. That's why they've only existed in the last few years.
Løvee 56 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't care if I get downvotes, smoking weed is not the answer for sexual abuse, neither is taking advantage of the victim for sex. Be a true friend and get help, tell a cop, a teacher, anyone who can help. Giving drugs and offering to make things right with more sex is not alpha, it's cowardly and abusive.
Kitten force fed vegan food nearly dies 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
The only way your cat can be "healthy" on a "vegan" diet is if it's eating every little animal it sees. So while your high-fiving yourself, your cat is out there eating songbirds. If it's an indoor cat, it's eating cockroaches, spiders and other creepy crawlies, which are all filled with toxic chemicals from poisons. And no plant food has all the essential vitamins a cat needs unless it's been *GASP* genetically modified. That's right, all the essential amino acids your cats been eating from "vegan" sources comes from GMO bacteria. Even if the bag says otherwise, there is no law to punish them for lying, though they usually don't print it's GMO free. And I think it's lovely that we live in such an awesome world where every baby survies to adulthood if left alone. Mothers die. Mothers sometimes can't produce enough milk. Formula is extremely expensive in third-world countries. You should learn how life works before demanding the world change for you.
mother cat walks through flames five times to rescue her kittens 29 comments
guest · 9 years ago
She went in 5 times, back and forth, for a total of 10 time thru the fire, the kittens only went thru once. No doubt she's burnt.
A couple dollars saved is always worth it 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Most people don't have access to spring water and have to get it pumped in from reservoirs. Reservoirs are a living ecosystem and must be cleaned before consuption otherwise the water could kill you. Chemicals aren't pumped in for shits and giggles, they're added so people don't get poisoned. The trick is to balance everything to make the water as safe as possible without going overboard. I don't mean to come off attacking you, but spring water is a rare treat in most of the world and chemicals are a necessity to clean all other water.
Hedy lamarr everyone 20 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Although she helped come up with the technology, they were basicly laughed at by the government and absolutely nothing became of it. Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum would then be rediscovered and used for wifi and such, but only independently so. Although she was one of the first to put it down on paper; wifi, bluetooth and gps all were invented free from her influence. Hedy Lamarr is a fine actress, but deserves no credit for our modern technology.
*Starts to sing Bohemian Rhapsody* 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I've read it in a few books. When a dog wouldn't salivate, Pavlov would do an autopsy on the dog to find out why. He butchered lots of dogs in his experiments, an animal lover he was not.
The difference between $10,000 in 1's vs 100's 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's a felony to label money with the wrong band or band it with the wrong amount. Bills are wrapped as tightly as possible so that it's impossible to remove even one without at least disturbing the band. Also, the hundreds are brand new, making them take up less space than the crumpled together ones.
*Starts to sing Bohemian Rhapsody* 19 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Pavlov also killed the dogs who wouldn't salivate when they heard a bell so his results can be considered biased.
The puffin is at it again 24 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You also don't need a diploma or a GED to attend college. You also don't need lots of money because financial assistance also doesn't require a diploma or a GED. You can even get a job without a diploma or GED even if it's "required", the hiring manager will never ever check, it cost time and money to do so. How do I know this? Because I've attended college on financial assistance and have worked at places where a diploma or GED was "required" and I never finished high school and I also know many people like me.
Sweet Dreams..... :} 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It doesn't take an hour for your eyes to adjust to darkness, it's 5 minutes max.
Spongebob Breakthrough 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Almost all fish eat fish. Chum is used to attract fish so you can catch them, a fitting name.
Riding a manatee? That's amazing! 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Yes you can, they're an endangered species.
The more you know 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It doesn't have to be dark.
Funny video 23 minutes. Really funny! 2 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A lot of these are staged or animals being picked on. But mostly they're boring.
Taken at the exact right moment 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
She was probably snuggling it's head when it decided to yawn, making it a photobomb. And it is a ferret.
Teaching your daughter a lesson 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I'm guessing you don't know the difference between "teach her a lesson" and "give her a challenge".
Toad sure knew how to party 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Even if it's a coincidence, coincidences are still funny.
Been doing it 13 months now, I feel no guilt 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Then you don't trust her, just come out and say it.
Nanomachines, son 26 comments
guest · 10 years ago
She was probably using the knife to pry something open, which is not what a knife is for.
I miss this show d: 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
They're sisters, the mom's out of frame. First picture is Quinn, second is Daria (the shows namesake), and the mother who's out of frame is Helen, who's a bit uptight.
Tumblr Comp 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The female duck's vagina is also corkscrewed, but in the opposite direction. It's to prevent random males from rapeing her, she clamps tight and they can't get in. The more you know.
Planting a Lemon Tree In The City 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
What you have growing is a citron tree. The fruit are supposed to look like that and are grown for the rind. It's actually an ancestor of the modern lemon, not it's mutant child.
Planting a Lemon Tree In The City 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Give it a severe pruning and that will force it back to production. Almost every fruit tree will stop producing as it gets old, but by pruning it, you're tricking the tree into thinking it's still young. If its been years, it will need a almost complete cutback, but be careful, just a little too much taken off will kill your tree.
If superman says so 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Superman has a lot less hair than I remember.
Velma 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I hate the show too, but I'm not sorry.
How Well Do You Know Yourself? 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The indestructible hair one is completely false. There are all kinds of bactria, microbes and insects that will gladly eat your hair. The sun will also break it down to nothing, along with wind and water. If you buried a handful of hair in a active compost pile, it will vanish in one year, if buried in the ground, it would take an average of seven years. There is nothing living on this earth, and that includes people, that won't be completely broken down in a short amount of time. When you see mummies and such, it's only because the bodies were protected from decomposition somehow and are the exception to the rule, but stick them back into the ground and they too will disappear. This isn't the only thing false with this list, but I'll let you figure the rest out.
How Well Do You Know Yourself? 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's not true, my grandma is 82 and still has very vivid dreams. My other grandma died at 97 and still dreamed of peoples faces clearly. So clearly that she sometimes was confused when she woke up.
The salt maze 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Almost won't stop a worthy slug.
If you ask a question, prepare for the answer 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And sometimes they're just lonely and will use anything to start a conversation.
If you ask a question, prepare for the answer 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It's because some people actually like human interaction. If they asked a flat out question, they would receive a flat out answer and be done with it. But by carrying on the conversation in a round-about way they are able to enjoy the moment better.