
What are we supposed to do instead 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Are they really dank or just weird
Let's do momma's car too 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Who cares. Its just a car. Yes they should learn not to do that to other ppls cars property etc but i wouldnt care about my car
Oh no, not Florida Man 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Seriously? They couldnt just arrest him? Americans are psychotic.
At least he gets prison time 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Un fucking believable.
I usually get unmatched immediately, even after saying something clever 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
How many of these are done just for the meme and how many are real?
Country roads 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I agree
Found the other woman scorned 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Well, she’s not wrong. Regardless of her having a license or not.
100% True 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Breaking promises since my childhood
I was already annoyed, but now im just offended 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Ok, so there was a fork in the road!
Astute 9 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Essential oils creation
skeuomorphism 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Me too
Construct A Sentence Using The Word Indisposition 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I don’t get it.
Nice cosplay 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
So freaking cool
So wholeso.. Howl' up 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Almost useful
And that is why we pirate movies 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I like my movies on DVD because otherwise it’s stealing
#globalwarming scam! 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
The other person was picking their nose and eating it during highschool basic science classes in highschool
The end of f**king world! 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This made me so happy
Guess who 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Thank god
It's so easy for the new generation 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Poor dog 15 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This is so fucking sad!
The yin to the yang 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Maybe death is the award....
The nurse that survived The Titanic, The Britannic and the Olympic 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Evil time traveler successfully sinks three boats
When on facebook 6 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Mein memes
Asking for a friend 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
We're all friends here. Let's vlookup together.
Time is wasting 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
There's a 104 days of summer vacation...
Sweet home Alabama starts playing 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Now do the dishes!
Welp... Sorry? 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Hahaha I'm laughing but I'm crying
Well...Yeah actually that might just work 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Happy Birthday tooo meee 13 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Happy birthday man (or woman)!
Almost missed my turn to work this morning following this 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
What am I seeing?
Happy Birthday tooo meee 13 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Happy birthday! It’s tough to be forgotten; and I speak from personal experience. It won’t be long before you find yourself on a path where you are surrounded by people who love and support you as much as you do them. Just be strong for a little longer, for the future is always born from pain.
You idiots actually think I'd sleep at 6 am? 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I work nights you commie bastards
No explanation necessary 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Shes not pointing at the cat originally its 2 seperate images, the cat is an instagram cat and is actually adorable, and the lady is from some reality show where she had multiple terrible things happen to her over the last year or so and is yelling at someone for judging her over something regarding it cause it just broke her. She knows about the memes and is okay with them.
90% of all gamers 5 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Thats when you pick the damage/set up supports
Very helpful 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Three dogs in a trench coat?
*aggressive bagpipe noises* ah wid apologise but ah also dinnae gie a f**k! 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
'Speak quickly' Shirley.
Thanks, just spurted my morning coffee all over my phone 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Who voted for him except his own constituents?
Just Serbian things 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I need this for when I'm around kids.
Humpback Whales feeding in Alaska, taken by Scott Methvin 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This is beautiful yet still scary as fuck to me.
Meet Rain Frog: The World’s Grumpiest Frog 7 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I want to snuggle with it!
Mums can be savage 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Two wankers.
Who don't rub their kids with shit? 1 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Soda should be illegal.
Back in 2012 a 12 year old girl named BridgeAnne d'Avignon discovered that all U.S 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Who, incidentally was the worst king in English history.
A day that will live in infamy (1999) 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Wasn’t David turning into a thing just speculation? Or was there actual confirmation of it?
A day that will live in infamy (1999) 10 comments
guest · 4 years ago
Loved this movie as a kid! Haven't seen it in a while.
Repost quick before November cums 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
This promotion was in 2014, and was limited to the big dick category
Tit for tat 43 comments
guest · 4 years ago
He's a tit alright.
Indeed 2 comments
guest · 4 years ago
A tad late
My new life motto after becoming single 2 weeks ago 4 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I'm this old 3 comments
guest · 4 years ago
I pity the fool that don’t hear this picture.