
hmmm.... 28 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't know of any guys that find seeing all the ribs on a girl attractive. I'm not talking about seeing a hip bone or collarbone, or seeing them stretch and you can see their ribs some, but ACTUAL "shes so skinny you just see all their ribs all the time", since that is what they are talking about in animals. Thats not attractive at all.
That moment when your real eyes realize real lies 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
did you really think every radio station or tv station or newspaper was privately owned?
Everyone should know about this guy 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
OR, say the US ignores their plight. You wouldn't have a new world war, no American deaths, no North Korean soldier deaths, you would still have all the prisoner deaths though. And who takes the blame again? Oh thats right, THE US. How can the US just stand by and let these abhorrent atrocities happen? Why are they so heartless worrying about their own "first world problems" when heinous crimes like this are being committed around the world. Notice its not England's or France's fault, nor is it Sweden's, Norway's, Germany's or *insert whatever other country is perfectly capable of helping too* fault. Nobody else gets so much shit for not helping out everywhere else, and yet gets even more shit for trying to help out anywhere else.
There is no "easy" answer for this. People will die and America will look bad for it no matter what choice is made.
Everyone should know about this guy 45 comments
guest · 9 years ago
1. kinda sucks that he ratted his parents out, although it does explain why near the end.
2. Here is the problem with helping these people. Say America goes in because what is happening to these people is deplorable. People WILL die. American soldiers, North Korean soldiers, and some of the prisoners for sure. There's probably a good chance that war could break out and tons of other innocents would be killed too. Even if all things go incredibly well, ALL of those deaths will be blamed on America. Other countries will bitch about how America oversteps its bounds and should focus on its own problems before invading other countries.
Now, say things DON'T go incredibly well, which lets face it, things won't work perfectly as planned. Now there are tons more deaths, probably a lot more money and resources spent (by the US of course since it had endless money...) a potential WWIII started, and again EVERYTHING will be blamed on the US.
Perfect 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
but like you said it LOWERS the freezing temp, not makes it immune to freezing. Completely saturated salt water still freezes at -6 degrees fahrenheit (like -21c). Most people probably wouldn't saturate it completely with salt so its more likely to be higher than that. Plenty of places get much colder than even the -6F.
It's totally worth it 30 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Not sure why the downvotes unless everybody thinks you were correcting the "was" and not the "are"
"His teeth WERE worse than mine" since he got them fixed they aren't worse any longer.
I saw a post about this video, so here it is. 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its a play on words. Combines the phrase "loaded gun" with "God complex"
The Problems Of a Teenager 24 comments
guest · 10 years ago
-family doesn't like him. There is usually a reason for this, (most) family just want what is best for you. So if they really dislike them, its probably because they see him for his douchebaggery that she doesn't see because she <3's him.
-trust issues. Now I could be wrong, but most of the time when somebody says this it means one thing. The other person cheated on them.
-no job. Meh, kinda ok with this in high school.
-asshole. Self explanatory.
She shouldn't be with either of the guys they both sound like destructive relationships.
How To Play a Three Player Game Of Pong 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
whoever is controlling pacman sucks. You gotta lead the ball!
there is no way this is an actual thing 28 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This rule as just as real as the "dude if I ask if you are a cop, you totally have to tell me the truth that you are a cop if you really are one."
Some schools may have a policy on it, but honestly it doesn't even matter for any school.
In high school, you aren't supposed to be randomly leaving the campus, and the admins would probably all be getting in trouble if people found out they let an entire classroom just leave.
In college, which is where you hear about the rule the most, you are PAYING TO LEARN. If your teacher doesn't show up, you should be MAD that you are paying them for something and they aren't showing up, not glad that you don't have to sit in class today.