Kitten and owlet are the cutest things ever 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Well owls are basically bird cats so...
We tried to tow you and your car but we just couldn't 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Not always, at least in Ohio you can get handicap license plates and not need a tag.
92L ;) 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Another way of saying what kassdestruction said:
Letter= Cup, the part you like, the part that holds the boobie
Number= Band, or the part that goes around the person, so a larger number means bigger around... for example a 48 is significantly larger than a 32...
A preteen could easily be a 32A while an overweight woman may be a 62DDD (not saying everyone with that size is overweight)
Letter/Cup Size goes from smallest to a bigger size as AAA--AA--A--B--C--D--DD--DDD--E--F--G--H--you don't wanna know. Most people are not naturally past an H, although it does happen.
Letter= Cup, the part you like, the part that holds the boobie
Number= Band, or the part that goes around the person, so a larger number means bigger around... for example a 48 is significantly larger than a 32...
A preteen could easily be a 32A while an overweight woman may be a 62DDD (not saying everyone with that size is overweight)
Letter/Cup Size goes from smallest to a bigger size as AAA--AA--A--B--C--D--DD--DDD--E--F--G--H--you don't wanna know. Most people are not naturally past an H, although it does happen.
I think your secret is officially out 4 comments
I think your secret is officially out 4 comments
· 9 years ago
You can usually petition to get a new one free of charge... my grandma (who is extremely religious and a conservative die-hard republican) got one that said 666 replaced.
How Europeans imagine 'Muricans 38 comments
Rekt 33 comments
· 10 years ago
If my uncle could be banned from a doctor's office for swearing at the doctor, then this doctor can get rid of people for not vacinating.
Nurse trying to find a vein in a premature baby 18 comments
Funny screenshots 19 comments
I NEED THIS 12 comments
· 10 years ago
OH MY GOD A BALL PIT!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!! BARS SHOULD HAVE BALL PITS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY AVAILABLE TO DD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
huehuehuehuehue 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I am ashamed to admit how long it took me to realize that this was not about the poor dog patiently sitting in the background.
Traffic lights in india 13 comments
Please it's not just me 17 comments
Silly movies 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Good lord, made me think of this really weird search engine called DogPile, and it is totally a thing.
Sand cat from the sahara desert 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, good for you. I'm fairly certain my spirit animal is a fat and lazy squirrel
Lady Gaga was doing dishes 4 comments
I probably need to make some life changing decisions. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
HE is real! *puts on fan girl t-shirt and aggressively reads fanfiction in corner*
the capitol has their priorities right. 2 comments
A list of sounds 24 comments
· 10 years ago
-sound of families crying at the funerals
-sound of casket closing
-sound of baby laughing
-sound of casket closing
-sound of baby laughing
"I didn't think this through" 8 comments
The bark knight 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not gonna lie... that looks incredibly uncomfotable... having a dog on your back?
Why 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Did you know that they were also involved in the Manhattan Project? You know, the project that created the nuclear bombs that destroyed two MAJOR Japanese cities?
Two Guys Talking In A Bar 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I had cousins (triplets) who switched classes in kindergarten when they had a substitute teacher so that one of them didn't have to go to gym... they got away with it.... until they told their mom...
Humanity 12 comments
Having siblings 5 comments
Introducing Jackson, the best kid on my news feed 1 comments
· 10 years ago
But.. I'm thankful that at least 20 or so were meat eaters... and that they're extinct...