
First selfie 43 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Treasure Trolls
Life Hack 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The only way this fact kinda works is if your deductible matches how much 3 tires cost, but even then you still gotta meet your deductible first so you'd be paying for 3 tires, the insurance would get the 4th. Insurance wouldn't just pay for all 4 (unless you have a $0 deductible that is, but then they'd also be paying for all 3 or 2 or even 1)
The insurance company would depreciate the tires first too though. If you've had em for years and driven 50k on them already, they won't pay as much as if you got them brand new a week earlier.
Life Hack 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its a made up "fact"
Comprehensive insurance (covers everything that's not an actual collision) would pay for any amount of tires slashed. Even just 1.
However, it all depends on your deductible, you would still end up paying that first, no matter how many tires were slashed.
Say your tires are $100 a piece and you have a $200 deductible, if 2 tires got slashed, you'd have to pay all $200. If 4 got slashed, you'd still meet your deductible of 200 first, then insurance would pay the rest. Now say your deductible was $500 instead, you'd still have to pay for all 4 tires to be replaced.
Or say your tires are closer to $300 a piece and your deductible is only 100. You'd meet your deductible on the first tire and insurance would cover the other 200 of the first tire plus all of any other slashed tires.
I'm adopted 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That could explain why they gave the kid up for adoption in the first place...
Hours are hard 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Zomg you didn't end your sentence correcting all the bad grammar with period. What ever shall we do?!?!?!
Anti date rape drug nail polish 44 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I must have showed up late to the party....what is macaroons replying to?
It's not fair 30 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And it still doesnt explain how a name change is such a terrible thing. So you don’t want to be called a humanist or egalitarianist or whatever word that’s been around. Make a new one then. That’s how feminism got its name; somebody made it up to describe the group of people fighting for that cause. Make a new one up that better describes yourselves.
None of that article changes the fact that feminism has a bad connotation and if people want to be taken seriously, they should consider changing it. If somebody really agreed with the original ideals of Nazism and wanted to try to push it and make more people believe in it, do you think they'd have an easier time of it by calling themselves a "real Nazi" or by changing what they call themselves to "National Socialist" or whatever other name they want. People would still understand their intent, or if they didn't they'd at least be more likely to hear them out.
Disclaimer: I'm in no way saying feminist has as bad a connotation of Nazi
It's not fair 30 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So....went to the link to finally understand why feminists don't just change their name since it has such a bad connotation....and it didn't really explain much. Everybody understands what "real" feminism is trying to accomplish. That it doesn't mean putting women above men, it just wants them to be on equal ground. I'm fine with that. It then talks about how it stemmed from wanting equal rights for women (thus the fem) but evolved to fighting for equal rights for all genders. That point right there is a large enough change in my opinion that it warrants a name change. Its not just fighting for women, so it shouldn't just have fem in the name. It then blows off the use of humanism or egalitarianism by explaining them by their exact definitions that don't quite match up perfectly with feminism, and saying they were around long before feminism but never actively fought for their cause. So what? The ideals of humanism or egalitarianism or equity theory can't evolve but feminism can?
This is why we should use the Imperial System 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
and long process. Which means it would also be extremely expensive to implement. These are the same main reasons the US refuses to change to metric.
This is why we should use the Imperial System 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Actually base 12 (what a lot of imperial units use) has a lot going for it. Its highly composite (has 4 divisors 2,3,4,6) while base 10 (decimal/metric) only has 2 and 5. This makes it really easy to do a lot of division or fractions ( 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/6 are pretty easy to figure out when using base 12). Its already used in a lot of places, time is in base 12, grocers sell a lot of items in dozens or gross (12 dozen). It wouldn't be "too" hard to count on your fingers with it, since you could use the knuckles of your fingers instead of each whole finger (4 fingers with 3 parts each, using your thumbs to point to the number you are counting, you could actually easily count to 144 this way) The main problem with it is the fact that all our numbers still originate from base 10. We'd have to completely change 11 and 12 to some single symbol (like in base 16 they use 123456789ABCDEF0) and getting the entire world population to change over to something like that would be extremely hard
Bronies 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Fix this, netflix 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Same with the first Star Trek (of the new movies)
Bronies 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
but Tara, females can't be bronies
Made sure to always have my hand over my heart because of this 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Started imagining a guy shouting that kinda like a priest would shout "The power of Christ compels you!" for an exorcism
Work it girl 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But seriously, they are pretty much the same. Awkward moment seal is more of a "this thing happened that I had no control over and I didn't know how to react"
Whereas Socially awkward penguin is more "this thing happened because I'm socially awkward"
Cashier at McD's says "enjoy your meal" and you reply with "you too" - penguin
You need the teacher's help on a problem and accidentally call them "mom" - penguin
You see somebody trying to high five you...turns out its the guy behind you - seal
Your mom leaves you at the checkout to get an item and it gets to be your turn - seal
They are kinda interchanged by most people, but there is a subtle difference. A lot of people will use the seal anyway, even if it should be penguin, because its newer or because it kinda shows more of "this is how I felt like I looked" reaction
Work it girl 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
One has a seal on it....the other has a penguin
A parents password 18 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I like the idea of it. But what about if the parent got injured or something and isn't able to tell the password. Or just straight up forgets because they are running late or whatever and thats why they asked somebody else to pick em up.
My paranoid boss 3 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Electronically eavesdrops? Like he has little hidden microphones all throughout the business to monitor the employees? Why would you want to work there anyway thats ridiculous
The glorious chocolate roulette 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Was gonna ask the same question as the guest, but that would work fairly well, as long as it was a large group. Wouldn't quite work as well if it was just 2-6 people.
Billing the dead 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Only way I could see that happening is if the parents cosigned for the loan (which a LOT of parents do since most 18ish year olds don't have much for credit, so it helps keep the interest rate low knowing somebody with money and a job is also responsible to pay it off) And that's the key bit that for some reason a lot of people don't really understand. If you cosign on a loan, you are saying that if the other party stops paying, for whatever reason, YOU will pay it off.
Now if they didn't sign for it, I don't really think they could actually force you to pay it off, although they could definitely pressure you enough and make you think you have to pay it off.
Just asian problems 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The poster never said they weren't Asian, he fully admits that as an Indian, he is Asian. The joke was that when other people think "Asian" a lot of them don't think of India at all (depending on where you live as the other guest pointed out).
I couldn't afford a table 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Believe those are 20's actually. I can't really make out the actual bills, but it could be the older 20's that still had the oval around Jackson still. The straps are purple though, which means it should be $2000 in $20 bills. Which would mean if your calculations were correct it'd actually be a little over $1 million.
Donald dont give a f*ck 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
ad nauseam*
Wasn't expecting that one 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
neither was there's, now was it?
Don't charge your phone under the pillow 31 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why would you charge your phone under your pillow to begin with?
Chess done right 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I....guess that works? You shouldn't be punished for doing well though. Like playing beer pong and having to drink any cup you make instead of the other team. Or Quarters and having to drink every time you make it. Just seems less fun that way.
I'll figure out how to smile one of these days 9 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Why's he keep getting a new licence in june every year though
And now you know the difference! 76 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And you still haven't answered my questions on why they should be combined while Asia, Africa, and Europe are all separated either.
Asia and Europe aren't separated by water at all, and Asia and Africa are separated by a much longer canal than Panama's (As in if the canal wasn't made, it would be a much wider landmass connection), so why do they get to be distinguished as separate continents and the Americas are just lumped together?
And now you know the difference! 76 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The 7 continent model is usually taught in China (1.35 billion people), India (1.23 Billion), parts of Western Europe(tough to estimate), Australia (22.6 million), and the US (314 million).
The 6 continent Eurasia model (separates the Americas still) is usually taught in Eastern Europe (tough to estimate), Japan (127.6 million), and Russia(143.5 million).
Low estimate from just counting the numbers above and not including all the smaller countries that teach it too is at least 3.187 BILLION people being taught the Americas are separate continents.
Now lets take a look at those who teach the 6 continent combined Americas model:
Most of Latin America ~600 million.
A select few countries in Europe - too hard to estimate.
High estimate of maybe 1 Billion people (being very generous).
Yes, I'd say the majority are taught they are separate.
what are those suppose to do? 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or if your calculator doesn't have parentheses such as the one shown and you don't want to have to remember/write down a number mid calculating...
And now you know the difference! 76 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So....I'm gonna guess that you are from somewhere in Latin America, since thats the largest portion of people that consider "The Americas" to be just 1 continent. Considering the majority of the world (note its not just the US) DOES consider them separate continents, I believe you are right, it IS extremely ignorant to just assume what you were taught is right and not look it up for yourself. Why shouldn't they be separate? Because they are barely connected? If thats the case, why isn't Europe and Asia one continent in your mind (which it is taught in some countries, its called Eurasia)? Because its only separated by a man made canal? If thats the case, why isn't Africa also considered part of the Eurasia continent?
I might be a b*tch...But he's a really great guy! 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I didn't say it was logical, but it is a natural response for a lot of people. Ever heard the saying "don't shoot the messenger"? Its because people get mad at the bearer of bad news, even though its not that person's fault. Whether its because it ruined their obliviousness to the situation and their happy little world or the person is just now always associated with the bad thought or whatever, it doesn't matter.
Its not saying they were part of the affair that ended the marriage or actually had a direct correlation with the marriage falling apart. Its just saying they are associated now with the ending of the marriage. If you don't think that would affect the future relationship of the 2 people your nuts.
How to troll Americans 47 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It used Australia's actual shape, so it does cut into most of the surrounding countries actual shapes too making more of it look weird
Interesting social experiment 25 comments
guest · 10 years ago
That or the atheists and agnostics just tend to like to 1 up everybody else to prove how superior they are compared to religious people.
Or its in a location that happens to have more of 1 or 2 groups of people. Just because Christianity is the largest religion, doesn't mean its the most popular everywhere in the world. If you go to India, you are gonna find a hell of a lot more Hindus than Christians.
Or they guy is purposely taking out/putting in cash from specific bowls in hopes of proving a point or getting more people of X religion to donate.
At least everybody agrees on the middle row 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Thats kinda what the post is saying....depending on the device, the numbers are in different orders. They are saying we need to sort it out so no matter what device you go to use, the numbers will be in the exact same place. So you don't quickly try to type out 8675309 and instead accidentally type out 2615903
FFDP 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I heard their new song is pretty emotional too, Wrong Side of Heaven. I've listened to it but haven't seen it yet.
I might be a b*tch...But he's a really great guy! 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It never said they were friends. Maybe they feel it would be too awkward to randomly tell a (almost)stranger that their wife is cheating on them. Plus its (semi)anonymous so they don't have to answer the inevitable question of "Well how do you know?" or always be known to the guy as "that person that ended his marriage"
They have teeth, people 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But seriously, ya they are aggressive, but unless your a small child, you are easily ten times the size of that thing, those "teeth" aren't all that dangerous. They act tough because it can scare most animals, even if they are larger. If anything doesn't run away and advances towards em back, they get scared themselves.
They have teeth, people 17 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Coming from somebody that does have first hand experience with geese....I don't understand why people are so afraid of geese. Just kid the dam thing.
Clever graffiti with a powerful idea 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
But first we have to eliminate Al....Stupid Al, always messin shit up. Get your shit together Al
Stereotypes are wrong, M'kay 10 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Quit stereotyping pizza geez. Not all pizza can live up to your standards of being tasty!
Who said a square wheel was stupid 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Would be smooth, but extremely easy to mess up. Any wear on the square making it smaller, or imperfection in the curved bumpy road would make the 2 stop lining up perfectly.
Pure evil 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Don't believe guests can link stuff or I'd add it, but you can search legal tender on the treasury website and it pops right up
Now that doesn't mean a government office can refuse it, I believe they actually would have to accept it, however I believe there's also something that says the creditor can choose when/where/how to accept payment, so they could say something along the lines of "payments must be done at xyz bank" or whatever, and the bank would just do the counting with a machine anyway.
Could be wrong on that, didn't feel like looking for it too hard.
Either way, its really just a douchey move to purposely pay in pennies. Its doubtful that the girl at the counter issued the ticket to him or had anything to do with it, yet hes making her do all the work of counting those coins.
Pure evil 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So, thats not true in the US. Straight out of the US Treasury website:
"There is, however, no Federal statute mandating that a private business, a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for goods and/or services"
Its not illegal to not accept large bills, nor is it illegal to refuse all cash and only accept checks or credit cards. The "legal tender for all debts, public and private" just means if you are paying for it in the US, they have to accept some form of the dollar (they can't demand you pay in pesos, but they can demand you pay electronically with a credit card)
Umm... ok, right. Sure. 7 comments
guest · 10 years ago
If your in the friendzone its kinda unlikely you'd be getting to read the panties anyway...unless she convinced you to do her laundry
9 interesting facts about dreams 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
A lot of people say they don't have dreams at all. This is saying thats not true, everybody has them, if you think you don't have dreams, you just forgot them.
Dogs are weird 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its actually really dangerous for a dog (or any animal that doesn't have long feet like a human). Thats why cattle won't even try to go over them, they know it wouldn't be too hard for a foot to slip in and break their leg. Especially with 4 legs since they can't really see their back legs as they walk (which is why this dog is just dragging his back legs, its actually fairly smart)
New punctuation 13 comments
guest · 10 years ago
really need to make sarcastises a thing
Get your shit together China 27 comments
guest · 10 years ago
um....that says billion not million. It'd be the population of Chicago multiplied by a thousand
Learning supply and demand 5 comments
guest · 10 years ago
And this is why you went on to fail economics 101.
Because you have to reach really far to even come close to anything with supply and demand from these.