Answer quickly! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Not necessarily, in a fragmenting grenade like you see in the picture above, if you pull the pin, it can be put back in place, however if you remove the spoon, the handle looking thing, then it releases the powder to ignite.
Some People Don't Need School 2 comments
· 6 years ago
They dropped out of prestigious colleges like Harvard, and that fact alone tells us that, if they can get into such a competitive college in the first place, they smart enough to drop out and be successful.
There’s a difference between dropping high school, and dropping out of harvard
There’s a difference between dropping high school, and dropping out of harvard
The emerald tree boa 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Beautiful pic.
By the way if anyoneyou is wonderingokay , those holes around its mouth are heat pits.
By the way if anyoneyou is wonderingokay , those holes around its mouth are heat pits.
Bitter truth! 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Everyone who has sat silently and listened to their own nature has felt the same conscious creative force embracing them in pure love. For thousands of years this was a shared experience; it’s in your DNA, in your soul, in your subconscious, it’s easy to meet god and necessary too.
Behind the scenes 6 comments
· 6 years ago
He is in a ridiculous bright pink unitard, filming twilight, in the middle of a forest, and is being pet like a dog
· 6 years ago
Well, he doubled the national debt, and made every racial incident worse instead of defusing them. He managed to get government to control more of health insurance--which might be good if there was a sustainable plan to pay for it--but kicked the can down the road for people in a few years to figure out. For a few key congressional votes, he allowed those congressional districts' states to be exempt from the health insurance law! If it's so good, why were they exempt from It? Bowing to foreign leaders and buckling under to other countries and the UN on many issues instead of putting US interests first are some more reasons to not care for him.
On the birth certificate, a US president *must* be a naturally born citizen. If I have to show a bunch of documentation to get a Real ID drivers license, why did Obama drag out showing his birth certificate to prove that he met the law to be eligible for the presidency?
On the birth certificate, a US president *must* be a naturally born citizen. If I have to show a bunch of documentation to get a Real ID drivers license, why did Obama drag out showing his birth certificate to prove that he met the law to be eligible for the presidency?
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 19 comments
· 6 years ago
"There would be giant insects" doesn't make sense because gravity would stay the same. An insect's leg or fang would increase in weight at the cube of the ratio of scaling (because its weight is proportional to volume) but its strength to lift that appendage would only go up with the square of the scaling (muscle cross sectional area). Regardless of oxygen, the forces at work on earth drive why it's most efficient for tiny creatures to be constructed one way and large ones to be completely different.
Sign posted on the door of a Catholic high school for boys 17 comments
· 6 years ago
This is most excellent. Our biggest job as parents is to teach our children skills that will benefit them in adulthood. Taking care of themselves should be a priority. Little Timmy will live without lunch and come home extra hungry if he can't score some food on his own. Little Timmy will not die if he gets an F for failing to bring in his completed homework. People are raising pansies these days.
To anybody who says wind turbines are a major bird killer 5 comments
· 6 years ago
There appears to be a minor oversight with your graph. The birds in the first three categories were not only eaten, but raised for that specific purpose. The birds in the last category were simply going about their business before being murdered with a giant propeller and left to rot.
Critter pool ramp 9 comments
Why do you wear makeup? 14 comments
If global warming becomes worse 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Dont worry, floridians would just turn into crazy, meth addicted sea people. The crazy headlines will still flood in.
*heavy Southerner breathing* 5 comments
Sign posted on the door of a Catholic high school for boys 17 comments
· 6 years ago
Also hunger affects a child's learning capabilities. Eating a nice breakfast and lunch will make for a better student.
Complaints 3 comments
· 6 years ago
You're the reason that warning labels are a mile long. They didn't tell me not to hurr de durr OUCH so I sue now right?
Secrets all men should know 12 comments
People need to know this 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Or people who make one point over and over again like if they just keep repeating it the other side will agree that this one point proves the entire argument.
Tfw no bf 5 comments
· 6 years ago
So it appears this is a hoax story that’s gone around a few times on the internet, but Forbes and Business Insider both noted a case in 2011 when a Dutch woman was charged with stalking after calling him 6500 times over a year.
While still crazy excessive, that sounds a lot more plausible to me than this post.
While still crazy excessive, that sounds a lot more plausible to me than this post.
America, you done goofed! 39 comments
· 6 years ago
Purely cosmetic. Mutilation your genitals is not a step in the direction of mental health.
America, you done goofed! 39 comments
· 6 years ago
Awake_ash because if it's done before the end of puberty, they avoid a lot of hormonal changes, so it's easy. And you weren't concerned about your sex at 15 because you didn't need to.some people do
How every architect designs 6 comments
Airline humor 8 comments
· 6 years ago
They are a domestic airliner in South Africa. They are pretty hilarious, even the flight attendants
Airline humor 8 comments
Monopoly Harry Potter board 12 comments
· 6 years ago
The link below doesn't work anymore to get the plans for making this amazing monopoly board. Do you know how I can find it?
What it looks like when a piece of glacier the size of Manhattan breaks off into the ocean 1 comments
Disney dresses 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Also the same artist that did the character design for bioshock infinite - claire hummel. She's amazing
Not that 2 comments
· 6 years ago
“Uh, I meant anything that doesn’t add a social debt I’ll have to pay later...”
Study buddy 3 comments
· 6 years ago
I did know that, but I forgot it (I don't tend to use literary terms much these days). How did I used to know it? I read a dictionary of literary terms. Why did I read the dictionary? Because I'm a sad bastard.