New life mantra 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Please don't. I've been there and its just a never ending dark tunnel of sorrow. Get plenty of sleep, eat breakfast and be the space wizard you want to be airbrushed on the side of a van.
Triggered 5 comments
· 6 years ago
When my dog was young had to be caged while we were at work because he destroyed furniture when unsupervised. We rescued him from a shelter. The 8 hours/day caged at my house was still better than the 24 hours he was caged there! This ignorant post is why some working people don't rescue at all.
She was not amused 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Except that friend and boyfriend are the same word... So friendzoning is a bit confusing
What are the answers 66 comments
I'm not even mad. I mean, that's amazing! 23 comments
· 6 years ago
I love parenting advice from those who don't have children. They're the real experts!
A very useful car trick 311 comments
Grandma has a problem with needles 2 comments
Jordan gets it 6 comments
· 6 years ago
NO F-ING WAY!!! I hate mofos like that. So if their “baby” needs a shot that’s meant for a boy. Does the doc haft to do what they think is right or do they ask the parents if they still want to give the shot that’s ment for a male an the parents say no cause their “baby” is just a baby an it needs to decide what it wants to be called. Then parents go about their way, while the kid either gonna have a long term problems or in pain cause the parents wanna be dipshits about boy/girl label “offending” the baby cause it wanted to be a Black Jewish male transvesite nazi Eskimo.I’m all for the parents saying if they do/don’t want certain things done to their kid if it don’t effect their lives, hair cuts, circumcision or stuff like that. But sayin they don’t want the doc to give a shot to the kid that can help the kid with pain or save its life, just cause it was labeled for a “boy” an they think it wants to be called somethin different. Man this is some jacked up stuff!
At least they don't have autism 9 comments
· 6 years ago
the fact that you get angry when asked about your own statement is proof of your ignorance
Dating 6 comments
· 6 years ago
The make a girl laugh is not what this is saying. She is shallow cause the thing he said was "I lift" which translates to "I'm strong so I can fuck you real good" and that's all she heard.
Girls listen up 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Mehhhh yeah but if we look at it through the filter of only crazy fairly mild reaction
How shaolin monks train for martial arts 8 comments
I hate small talk 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah i hate when they try to talk to me when i have my headphones on. I work in a call dont really feel like talking after 8 hours of it... Maybe im just grumpy
Imagine it now 12 comments
· 6 years ago
It's so fucking funny that they'd do that flopping their meat everywhere then the artist is like ohhhhh no we can't show that we must use angles to prevent showing a penis. Modesty guys, modesty
Can your brain read this text? 12 comments
I've actually been feeling as if I'm Elmo since I was a kid but I'm afraid 8 comments
· 6 years ago
There is a difference between feeling and being. If you are Super Saiyan Phrase or it didn't happen.
Sign posted on the door of a Catholic high school for boys 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I knew a lot of kids who'd leave their lunch on purpose so it's really not that good of an idea
Persuade your landlord to let you have cats 6 comments
Can't be too careful 9 comments
Can your brain read this text? 12 comments
Gate to Nowhere on the banks of Lake Lugano, Switzerland 5 comments
· 6 years ago
This is where boats would come along with VIPs who were attending an event at the estate. The servants would line up next to the columns to receive the guests much the same way they would do it at the front of the estate. It’s more for cerimonial purposes than actually keeping people in/out.
What being british is all about 4 comments
· 6 years ago
You forgot to mention the tea and spices and coffee,.. GB invaded so many countries so they had most of these luxury items since a long time
Come Here, Don't Worry Bro 29 comments
Tough luck America 15 comments
CNN and their brilliant ideas 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Don't want to pull the race card but there's only two white guys arguing against 4 others
I live right next to Wisconsin. Can confer. 5 comments
I hate this noise 2 comments
This is my mom to a T 21 comments
· 6 years ago
I just love people bragging about what they're *gonna* do some day. Nearly as useful as parenting advice from non-parents.
I'll escort myself out.