Got away 10 comments
· 10 years ago
that Face matches the comment
Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure 13 comments
hide from them! 18 comments
· 10 years ago
What the fudgertins, why did someone leave just a plank post. I am sorry guys
How could I have not known this 11 comments
I'm not crying. My eyes are just pissing 45 comments
Feels Birthday Party 28 comments
Librarian when she sees me again: "-___-" 4 comments
Internet energy drink logic 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I've only ever drank 20 hours of 5 Hour Energy at a time. I want to get up to 25, but I usually get the shakes after the 4th bottle.
Better graphics does not mean a better game 2 comments
Scary button for a microwave 16 comments
Why is that so? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Just pointing it out, but the only reason fucking a horse is illegal at all is because a guy died from internal injuries because he had sex with his horse.
America is pretty spot on 154 comments
U wot m8? 31 comments
· 10 years ago
GUYS! This is Texas were talking about! Get the illegal explosives and illegal fireworks!
Minecraft creativity 79 comments
· 10 years ago
Or, you know, make a huge pit that almost reaches bedrock the make it 50 by 50.
Minecraft creativity 79 comments
The Boy Who Lived... 16 comments
They make me infuriated. 45 comments
· 10 years ago
Before we continue, my first comment was just about how I dislike the way this person is interpreting the video. He even says it's not how people interpret what they say, but about what they say. As he's interpreting the video itself, pulling out each and every point he knows he can use as ammunition against them. Rant over, pure discussion mode; Activate.
They make me infuriated. 45 comments
· 10 years ago
Where can I find their full video, so that I can get a better view on what exactly they said (I figured he'd pull out the worst of the worst).
That being said, I see their views on hair (WE SHOULD HAVE NO SAY IN THE SUBJECT. I personally can pull off one of two hair styles, my princess can pull off whatever she does. Guys should just never touch that.), "perfect balance", (I don't understand the current dating mentality. I had a 4/5 success rate with the "You're single, I'm single" so I'm not an expert on this and I'll cede this point to you with whatever your opinion on the matter is) and "peach fuzz" (that's purely a teenage boy thing. I don't know any MEN that give a shit about that.) as just childish. It's almost what I expect from tweens like them. And I've seen much much worse from my own age group. That being said, it sounds like you've got a dog in this fight, so feel free to unload your opinions and how this has effected you.
That being said, I see their views on hair (WE SHOULD HAVE NO SAY IN THE SUBJECT. I personally can pull off one of two hair styles, my princess can pull off whatever she does. Guys should just never touch that.), "perfect balance", (I don't understand the current dating mentality. I had a 4/5 success rate with the "You're single, I'm single" so I'm not an expert on this and I'll cede this point to you with whatever your opinion on the matter is) and "peach fuzz" (that's purely a teenage boy thing. I don't know any MEN that give a shit about that.) as just childish. It's almost what I expect from tweens like them. And I've seen much much worse from my own age group. That being said, it sounds like you've got a dog in this fight, so feel free to unload your opinions and how this has effected you.
They make me infuriated. 45 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh, and if(/when) you disagree, leave an counter-argument, I'll try to answer you as best as I can.
They make me infuriated. 45 comments
· 10 years ago
On the one hand, I agree with a lot of what this kid is saying. On the other hand, he seems to be attacking everything these guys are saying, a lot of which isn't THAT horrible. As bad as those three are, as far up their asses their heads are, I just straight up despise the way this cunt is tearing them apart. It's their opinions, just like this video is this twerps opinion. The only difference is not only that this punk is driving nails through my ears with his shit-eating superiority complex. Before I get bombarded with hate, I agree with his message and disagree with the three guys (and dog), but I just don't like him. The way he speaks reminds me of activists for good causes, environmental cleanup, depression/suicide support, etc., that doesn't seem to understand that just because the cause they back is just, it doesn't mean they and their actions are just as well. It's my opinion and I have to stick with it.
America is pretty spot on 154 comments
· 10 years ago
Dude, I'm american and I know for a fact that we don't give two shits about almost any other countries.
America is pretty spot on 154 comments
I AM DIVERGENT I CAN'T BE CONTROLLED!!! hahaha 167 comments
· 11 years ago
I AM DIVERGENT I CAN'T BE CONTROLLED!!! hahaha 167 comments
Hmm which one is real?? 57 comments
*creative title* 25 comments
Sharing is caring so comment below 87 comments