
Sorry to ruin your philosophy 22 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This logic makes no sense at all. Just because it was full and you are emptying it doesn't mean you necessarily judge it on how empty it is any more. And just because it was empty and you are filling it doesn't mean you necessarily judge it on how full it is.
Couple examples:
1. I buy a gallon of milk and drink half of it. I would still say "Oh the jug is half full"
2. I get a gallon of oil and use a quart of it in something. I don't say "Oh this jug is a quarter empty" I say "Oh this jug is three quarters full"
3. You fill your car up with gas and drive around til its at 3/4, do you say you are a quarter empty now because it was full and you are emptying it?
Sudden clarity clarence 1 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or just if you can prove they'll get their money back
How to find a lost dog 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Its not implying that a normal person would wear a shirt for a week, its just implying that a common reaction would be to grab a clean shirt, or one that you've only been wearing a short period of time (such as the shirt you're wearing to go out to the lost dog spot, which you've probably only been wearing a couple hours at most) and thinking that it will work.
Not okay 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The other guest is actually right, it is just a reverse sneeze
Chris pratt 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Because most people can't eat 8 hamburgers in 1 meal. They usually don't get the scene perfect in one go, and there are usually multiple scenes to shoot. So its a lot of food intake
Bedtime paradox compilation 15 comments
guest · 10 years ago
The last one isn't a paradox. He's a kid, his parents could have forced him to go to bed, doesn't mean he is actually tired.
Even as an adult you could convince yourself you need to go to bed since you need to get up early, doesn't mean you are actually tired
My opinion can't be that unpopular 34 comments
guest · 10 years ago
So it should be "I'm responsible, I know nothing of the subject, but I passed because I went to class every day!"
My opinion can't be that unpopular 34 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I guess I'm pretty arrogant then. I could have easily aced quite a few of my gen ed exams without ever going to a single class. I knew the material because I did it in high school already, but my university wouldn't accept credit for them or allow me to just advance passed them. The most efficient way to learn something you have already learned do anything, since YOU ALREADY KNOW IT.
Funnily enough, pretty much the only classes in college that I had that graded on attendance were those early gen ed classes that I didn't really need to go to. The later classes I could skip if I wanted to, but actually wanted to go to them to learn.
This is the only unsolicited advice I give 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Or if you have a love life problem and you hear advice from a guy that has had several very long term relationships and is happily married now, and you also hear advice from a guy that seems to always have one night stands and can't seem to stay in a relationship for more than a month. Which do you think you should listen to? Especially if your first instinct matches more along with what the 2nd guy was saying? Would you just take that as confirmation that you should do it then? Or would you think "hm, that advice really hasn't worked out for him, maybe I should go back and question my own thoughts about this"
This is the only unsolicited advice I give 11 comments
guest · 10 years ago
I don't think your understanding what the post is saying. If you are say, having a financial issue and you aren't sure what you should do, such as debating where you should put a sum of money you have, or whether you should take out some big loan for that business/house/etc. If you hear advice, whether you asked for it or they just saw you weren't sure and offered their advice, then you might want to look at that person and see if that advice was good or not based on how they are. They might never have had that exact same predicament, but if one guy tells you advice and his job is a financial adviser and is really well off financially and doing well for himself, and another guy tells you different advice and is still living with his parents and doesn't have two pennies to rub together, then its most likely that the first guy's advice is going to work much better for you.
An important lesson for all university students 6 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Is like having your parents pay for a hotel room and you sleep on a bench outside - fixed that for you
Habits of the Common Bookworm 19 comments
guest · 10 years ago
How do so many people not know how to pronounce colonel? I mean its common enough in movies and tv that just about everybody should have heard it a few times.
My favorite is from Marge Simpson saying the phrase "run like the wind" but instead of pronouncing it wind, like the wind blowing outside, she says wind like "that's a wind-up toy car"
Totally worth it 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Which the parent probably bought the girl to begin with....if ya didn't want your kid to have it, why buy it in the first place?
Bad start 12 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Because did you see how good that other food looked?