Be yourself 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Dress up parties when you were five were like that. 13 year old girls don't have dress up parties where they dress up like spiderman, they actually dressup in actual clothes.
Unfappable 4 comments
· 8 years ago
he resigned because of the fact that the you British fucks voted for the brexit. He said he would resign if the general population wanted to leave.
Hail Hydra 12 comments
· 8 years ago
It was a genius move by marvel. Make a huge plot twist and everyone is talking about it, and buying it.
I don't know why I am laughing this much 6 comments
Please Tell Me I'm Not The Only Psycho Here 37 comments
· 8 years ago
Same, I feel like this will happen most when either there is no ledge, or only a small glass wall.
I lost it at emo husbands :') 14 comments
The Pacer was hell Y-Y rip athletic show off kids who prolly died 49 comments
· 9 years ago
Both are awful, but at least you get to decide when you finish the beep test. Its mainly pride that keeps most people going. I've done both, but the worst thing is Nightmare Suicides. 3 lines. First line to middle line, back to first line, first line to last line, last line to middle line, middle line to last line, last line to first line. Thats one set. You do that for 3 minutes, and you have to sprint the whole way
Down for some breakfast? 8 comments
Yes! That's a true story 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Hey guess what? There were spoiled little brats in the 90's as well. You just didn't hear about it because you were a kid and didn't give to shits about it.
Live simply so other people may simply live 10 comments
Well that didn't go as he expected 3 comments
Which house would you choose? 70 comments
· 9 years ago
depends how far the house in the wilderness is from the nearest supermarket or mall
Elephant draws self portrait... seriously. 12 comments
They're just Doritos 24 comments
Pretty-Girl-Make-Super-Ugly-Face 7 comments
Earth has stopped 12 comments
· 10 years ago
If the Earth has stopped, technically we're all dead. So that means that... WE'RE ALL ZOMBIES!
Maniacal laughter 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Bathe in the blood of your enemies. Well smell the blood of your enemies. And enjoy.
Excuse me sir 32 comments
· 10 years ago
TECHINICALLY, Voldemort was only able to communicate with snakes. That's all.
Saw you readin' shit 5 comments