Vegans 11 comments
· 9 years ago
I know this will get a down vote. I come on here to find funny things and i get anti vegan posts shoved in my face. You think vegans are hating on the way you eat, that's exactly what you're doing to us... im preparing for the "spot the vegans comment" i wish caring about non human and pet animals actually meant something to people... don't harass vegans because not all of us are attacking you and calling you satan... youre just making yourself more susceptible for me to question your manners and common intellect of whats happening beyond your eyes..and the statement of fish not being in the ocean is true but i can just see myself out because nobody cares to listen to whoever is being picked on... we dont harass you, we just make comments against your own opinion and you choose to hate us over your guilt
here we go 49 comments
· 9 years ago
The planned parent hood shooter was against the loss of lives in abortion but does nobody see that more lives were lost in the shooting? Nobodys life was saved
Because vegans 12 comments
Feeling safe with a big brother 6 comments
That's why we love our grandmas 16 comments
· 10 years ago
My grandma doesn't do that why is everyone's granny so damn nice mine calls me stuff and throws stuff at me my grandma would buy me tea and drown me in it k
Anyone else 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh god people all around me did that and that picture reminds me of how scarred I was
Look close 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Look close. An animal we humans are about to kill for getting in the nets of fish that they eat god sharks just must be terrible
Knife throw gone wrong 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I was waiting for the gif to reset because I thought the knife thing was a joke but no. It's real. Thanks Internet
What We See vs. What Kids See... 5 comments
Outrage 3 comments
Chicken Strip 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel bad for just staring at this as it keeps repeating. Does that mean I have chicken fetish?