Airplane with bed as seats 19 comments
· 9 years ago
I see what you did in the title, pun intended? :)
These houses look like they've never seen people before 13 comments
· 9 years ago
These are the cubichouses in Rotterdam, their design is supposed to resemble a forrest made of giant treehouses. The area where they stand is called the blijkerbos, after the man who designed them.
A supertide has turned France's famed Mont Saint-Michel into an island. 16 comments
· 10 years ago
So this happened, the rides were about 4 meters higher than usual and the Mont saint Michel, which is connected to france by a wooden bridge was completely surrounded by water, this is also cause the sand that actually doesnt belong around the island is being washed away by a new " flushing dam"
It''s amazing that the island was once a hill in the midle of a forrest, but in the medieval times they cut down the trees and the sea took over.
It''s amazing that the island was once a hill in the midle of a forrest, but in the medieval times they cut down the trees and the sea took over.
You Don't Always Want The Same Amount Of Chocolate 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Its designed this way because the big chocolat corporations don't give equal amounts of money to the farmers.
The most metal thing you can do after death 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Even the smallest size diamond costs you 3500$, and this is without the ring.
Good guy mr Crabs 6 comments
· 10 years ago
And in the one episode where the pineapple is rotting a new one regrows from a seed
Good guy mr Crabs 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Spongebobs house is a pineapple that fell from a boat , he didnt have to pay for it.
Incredible castle in the middle of the ocean 13 comments
· 10 years ago
The island is only surrounded by water when the time is really high.
But there is a plan to clear away the sand and connect the island to the mainland with a bridge.
But there is a plan to clear away the sand and connect the island to the mainland with a bridge.
Blows my mind with how many disagree 19 comments