I like stuff and things, and you really don't want to know what me real name is. It's more than 10 letters and almost unpronounceable is English.
— connorhell Report User
You thought you've seen them all 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Fun Fact: France actually has the highest army success rate in European history.
I Hate My Freckles 60 comments
· 9 years ago
I love my freckles. When I was younger, my mom would tell me that they were angel kisses. Of course, mine look a little bizarre, seeing as I'm brunette and half-Hispanic, but I don't mind.
I Hate My Freckles 60 comments
· 9 years ago
I love my freckles. When I was younger, my mom would tell me that they were angel kisses. Of course, mine look a little bizarre, seeing as I'm brunette and half-Hispanic, but I don't mind.
Im the tall kid ;-; 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Rather than friends, I have tall family. I'm only about 5'1, but my uncles are huge, The shortest one is 6'4, and the tallest is 6'7. My female cousin, who is my age(14) is already 5'10. I have eternal protection. Nature has nothing on me.
Yes I think "won" is the right word 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I think the only problem those would propose is having your feet being really hot in the warmer months. At least they'll be nice and toasty in the colder ones, though.
This. 83 comments
· 9 years ago
No, don't spend money on them. Just send them to an extremely isolated area. And causing insanity almost as worse as being raped, and it's what they deserve. And yes, these aren't the best of comments, but at least we are giving such a horrible thing the recognition it needs. Maybe not the embarrassment, as that's not very practical when they're isolated, but I believe that rapists deserve this.
This. 83 comments
· 9 years ago
Humans are animals. By that I mean we are actual animals, that belong to the Mammalia Kingdom, although I do get what you are saying. Instead of killing them, I say force them to live in constant embarrassment, belittle them, never let them even come in contact with another person. Have them live in total isolation. Most humans need some form of contact(of many ways)so going totally without it could-and, in most cases, will-cause somebody to go insane. Don't let them have a phone, don't let them have paper, don't let them have anything. Just let them rot.
...f*ck this 18 comments
· 9 years ago
But that's even better, if you try enough you can make them look like Anglo-Saxon barbarians, isn't that great?
...f*ck this 18 comments
Peaceful word of the day :3 4 comments
· 9 years ago
It's pronounced SO-phro-sin-ee. Emphasis may be different, though. Sophrosyne, was, in Greek mythology, the name of a goddess, or maybe spirit, of self control and moderation. One of my favorite words.
My first post, I thought it should be something I'm obsessed with 32 comments
· 9 years ago
At first I thought it was a sword.....still love Sherlock and Bendyfuzz Coppersnoot. I think that's his name, anyway.
She's prepared 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I've never worn them, but I know contacts can be seriously uncomfortable. And when you lose one sense, all your others go higher, a la making up for what's lost. This would probably mean your sight and actual eyes would become much more sensitive, so contacts could mess you up.
Cat on Leg Day 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I love his face, though.
"Imma fuckin' do it. Those fuckin' Siamese ain't gonna have shit on me. Yeah, I'm fuckin' great."
Edited 9 years ago
"Imma fuckin' do it. Those fuckin' Siamese ain't gonna have shit on me. Yeah, I'm fuckin' great."
Yoshi Sudarso as Li Shang 24 comments
· 9 years ago
A "nigger" is no longer just a black person. These days, it applies to egotistical fucktards. You, guest, are a egotistical fucktard, and therefore a "nigger". Bastards, the lot of 'em.
Yoshi Sudarso as Li Shang 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Aww. It seems like the poor little guest can't deal with the difference of people! Sad, sad baby!
Also, that is perfect casting, now that I think about it.
Also, that is perfect casting, now that I think about it.
perspective 16 comments
· 9 years ago
This was 8 week ago. Why are you responding to my comment? And I didn't realize it was 8 weeks ago, so how about you mind your own business, please.
perspective 16 comments
· 9 years ago
He's probably sitting, but at the same time those women may be taller than average.
6 and pregnant 10 comments
· 9 years ago
What jackass thinks it's okay to insult a child because they don't know a word? And what normal 6 year old knows what pregnant/pregnancy means/is? Douchefuck.
Names these days 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Seriously, Janice? I mean, name your spawn whatever, but omigod the youngest Janice I know is 41. Ms.Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele looks to be about 24-28. So unrealistic.
The joy in the boy and father's face = PRICELESS 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Then doesn't that mean the kid is also half monkey if it comes from his mom's side of the family?