I like stuff and things, and you really don't want to know what me real name is. It's more than 10 letters and almost unpronounceable is English.
— connorhell Report User
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
I know full well how colonialism is, and I agree it's horrible and vile and speaks volumes about humans. It's genuinely sickening that it's not taught in schools-why not teach us about something so bad? If we were taught about it, it would help fix the problem colonialism poses.
Mostly I don't address it because it hurts; it hurts how my family, my ancestors, were treated so terribly by other people because of feelings or different beliefs, or simply because the invaders felt like it. It hurts that my would be great uncle died as an infant because his mother didn't have enough food to supply breast milk for him. It hurts that my Inuit ancestors were forced to rename their country-which should be called Kaalallit Nunaat-under Dane rule. But, for me personally, joking about it makes it easier to cope with. It's easier to tell the history to my younger brothers in a simple, humorous fashion for now, and when they get older I'll tell them the full extent. For now, it's easier.
Mostly I don't address it because it hurts; it hurts how my family, my ancestors, were treated so terribly by other people because of feelings or different beliefs, or simply because the invaders felt like it. It hurts that my would be great uncle died as an infant because his mother didn't have enough food to supply breast milk for him. It hurts that my Inuit ancestors were forced to rename their country-which should be called Kaalallit Nunaat-under Dane rule. But, for me personally, joking about it makes it easier to cope with. It's easier to tell the history to my younger brothers in a simple, humorous fashion for now, and when they get older I'll tell them the full extent. For now, it's easier.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Alright. I get it, we didn't express any actual knowledge on this, to be honest. I still feel like it was a little uncalled for, but then so was my comment. I suppose I'm ultimately the one to blame. In my opinion you didn't have to express it the way you did-calling it astounding and saying you couldn't believe it, but like I said before, I am the one to blame.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I did, because you didn't address it, implying you didn't want to, which made me curious. I'm not angry. In fact, I'm appreciative of how much you clearly care, because colonialism is a subject that not many people give a shit about. You've definitely done research on it. However, you also called us ignorant because of how we reacted to your comment. You called me ignorant because of the casualness I expressed-I actually acknowledged it was bad, albeit probably in a too casual form-and Kibbles because of his/her
comment on unclaimed land/society and government. I've admitted twice and apologized for being rude. We may have come off as ignorant, but that was mean, and it wasn't kind to call us so just because of how we came off. I'm sorry if I've offended or hurt you, because I really do admire how you feel about colonialism, and how much you obviously know about it.
comment on unclaimed land/society and government. I've admitted twice and apologized for being rude. We may have come off as ignorant, but that was mean, and it wasn't kind to call us so just because of how we came off. I'm sorry if I've offended or hurt you, because I really do admire how you feel about colonialism, and how much you obviously know about it.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
You were the one who started the topic of colonialism-I started the topic of stereotypes. I'm not upset. I've been trying to make you stop going on about colonialism-though my ways weren't very nice, I suppose. But you don't seem to understand that we don't feel like you, and therefore all of what you are saying doesn't impact us like it does to you. We do not feel like you do, so all of the points you make aren't as effective as you seem to want them to be. I get that you are angered over what happened, and is happening, but that doesn't mean that we don't because we aren't acknowledging it like you are. Yet again, we don't feel like you, and as many points you make, that isn't going to change.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, I get it. I wasn't trying to say that stereotypes are as bad as colonialism, I was trying to say that they are connected. And like I have said before, we do not feel as strongly as you; so therefore your points just aren't as meaningful to us. We know what happened, we know it was bad-we know. Again, we just don't feel as strongly as you. Okay?
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
You are only scratching the tip of stereotypes, you know. Like what I said about Germans-they are-at least by an American audience-stereotyped as aggressive, racist, and Jew-hating, all because of Hitler and the Goths/Visigoths. Italians are stereotyped as being weak, cowardice, and prone to immediately surrendering in the event of an invasion, all because they've done so before. Stereotypes do tie into colonialism, even if not that strongly. I feel like it is a good argument, but if you don't, then alright.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
It seems like it to me. Maybe you weren't trying to shove your views down peoples throats, but that's how it came of to me. And you are still ignoring me stereotypes comment-why? My first reply was rather mean, and I apologize, but I'd thought you would take it as it was meant to be-humorous. I think that because you feel so strongly about this, you aren't able to understand how we can laugh at it-and that's okay. But just because we don't feel as strongly, and can laugh at it, doesn't mean you have to assume we don't get it, or are ignorant. Like I said, we just don't feel as strongly as you. And I'm not weak to colonialism-in fact, it's a key plot point in one of my stories.
And you are still ignoring me stereotypes comment-why?
Edited 9 years ago
And you are still ignoring me stereotypes comment-why?
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not celebrating anything. I know how horrible it colonialism is. I know damn well. I'm primarily Inuit and Mexican. You know how horrible their history was? I won't explain to you, because if I do I'll start crying, and crying makes me feel pathetic. I'm not proud of it-I'm not boasting. It's repulsive, colonialism. But by making jokes about it, we are making it better-though admittedly not the best way to do so. Joking about it makes it easier to deal with. It makes the terrible things that happened easier to comprehend. I don't expect everyone to "sit back quietly and let me speak highly of something detestable" at all. But what you are doing is shoving how you feel down peoples throats. You really are. You want people to feel exactly like you-and doesn't that seem horrible? And you have no right to tell or even suggest to me to stay off this topic. It doesn't bother me. I'm not dismissing the gruesome events. I can't, not with my history.
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
You missed the whole point. What I will say to you is that you are grouping whole countries into one person. They way you've antagonized Netherlands is rather.....not good. You make it seem like all of Netherlands is to blame. This isn't true. Rather, it was the people the had been in the invasion. The people that invade Indonesia were sick fucks. The people, not the country.
Oh, and you ignored my comment about stereotypes. This is probably because you didn't want to acknowledge that stereotypes tie into invasion. Like, for instance, because of Hitler and the Nazis, Germans are now plagued with the stereotype of being violent, racist, Jew-haters.
And just because you didn't find this funny doesn't mean others that did are "ignorant". Most of us are fully aware of what happened. Things called school and internet exist. Just because we laughed doesn't mean we don't understand-we do, but we are looking through the eyes of humor, for various reasons. You're fixed on the bad.
Oh, and you ignored my comment about stereotypes. This is probably because you didn't want to acknowledge that stereotypes tie into invasion. Like, for instance, because of Hitler and the Nazis, Germans are now plagued with the stereotype of being violent, racist, Jew-haters.
And just because you didn't find this funny doesn't mean others that did are "ignorant". Most of us are fully aware of what happened. Things called school and internet exist. Just because we laughed doesn't mean we don't understand-we do, but we are looking through the eyes of humor, for various reasons. You're fixed on the bad.
u mean biohazard congratulations? 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Wait, I thought it was Bardocucullus Callipygous? And doesn't he have two middle names? I think they were Tmesis and Camelopard. So his full name-I think- is Bardocucullus Tmesis Camelopard Callipygous. Man, celebrities and their names.
Every empire counts 41 comments
Every empire counts 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Dude. Calm the fuck down. This post is meant to be humorous. Sure, it's bad, but so is taking pictures of animals and people stuck in odd and/or uncomfortable positions, as well as making fun of countries based on stereotypes. Yet we still laugh at those, because something such as a sense of humor exists. Your panties don't have to get in a backward Eldredge Knot.
This is Johnny Depp's daughter 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Yep. Every time a pretty girl gets posted, I'm the only one who doesn't think she is attractive.
She women jeans don't have pockets 9 comments
· 9 years ago
See, I think this is really stupid because even if you made jeans with pockets, handbags and purses would still sell, as they are not only seen as fashionable, but they are also useful for carrying things such as tampons and extra money. So, even if designer companies made pants with pockets, handbags and the like would still sell.
Is it just me? 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I suppose I am the only living being that doesn't like Natalie Dormer of her face. The resemblance makes me think Disney may have modeled Elsa after her, though.
But I know something about you 9 comments
· 9 years ago
So? Names such as Ashley, Leslie, Beverly, Hillary, etc. used to be male, but over time just became more common for females. And besides, usually your name doesn't really define you.
*killjoy sparkles*
*killjoy sparkles*
Diabolical planning 101 23 comments
Emma watson vs. Miley cyrus 20 comments
Alien vs stapler 4 comments
· 9 years ago
To me, the Alien has always looked like a velociraptor with a giant egg on it's head
jus sum tumblr for u 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, he was only about 5'8, though that was about average for a man of his time.
I was very confused as to why anyone would put a salad into a sink.