Just S U C C 1 comments
· 7 years ago
You just assumed i share pizza
"Fight me, you cowards." 8 comments
Probably a bikeĀ 8 comments
Cop and suspect forced to get along because of random aggressive pitbulls 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Dogs: bringing the world together, one act of unwarranted aggression at a time
Wendy's aren't the only ones with a twitter 16 comments
Wendy's aren't the only ones with a twitter 16 comments
Wendy's aren't the only ones with a twitter 16 comments
Piggyback Rides on the Beach 5 comments
Engineer solves the hot/cold tap problem 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Do they not do that anywhere else?! Ususally I just turn on the hot and hope i dont scald myself...
Edited 7 years ago
Brexit 15 comments
· 8 years ago
People have been lied to by those campaigning for 'brexit', by leaving the eu we have merely isolated ourselves and made ourselves poorer. Immigration will most likely not be affected by this too.
It's true 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Ooh no, i meant someone who is not completely awful but is also an american. Sorry i just read that and it does sound really bad
Edited 8 years ago
It's true 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Can someone who is not completely awful and american please run for president? Why should the choice of people who run your country be between a terrible candidate and a slightly less terrible candidate?!
Relatable post of the day 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Its 8:46 and im about to start a movie...
Yes i like to live dangerously
Yes i like to live dangerously
Someone's in trouble at the jar factory 9 comments
This is getting out of hand 8 comments
Or if it was a bad book I roll my eyes at it 10 comments
Or if it was a bad book I roll my eyes at it 10 comments
· 9 years ago
If you like magic/ supernatural/ other worldly/ assassins and general awesome, read the throne of glass series