User correct Banned
Mr. Taco 12 comments
· 8 years ago
4 years late lmao
That b*tch 55 comments
· 8 years ago
That was a godly comment. But let's be serious for a second. Hillary is probably far more likely to get what she wants passed than Trump. See, Trump's ideas would never be passed because they are unconstitutional or impossible to implement (making China pay for his wall wtf). Hillary on the other hand is extremely sleazy and can buy off Congress members to make them to what she wants. She also is really good at convincing the average person ( listen to me! If you don't agree with me your a bigot because I AM A WOMAN!!!!!) So in all honesty Hillary is probably going to be more able to pass her stupid ideas off into the government.
Edited 8 years ago
That b*tch 55 comments
· 8 years ago
Oy. Not a Republican at all, but I'm not delusional enough to believe that Hillary is anywhere close to a good candidate. She is a chronic liar, talks about income inequality (while wearing a $12000 sweater) and switches her ideals every few years. She is bought by large corporations and also just uses the 'im a woman!!' card to justify why people should vote for her. Trump has a fuck ton of stupid ass faults as well, but we can't just ignore just how much of an absolute shithead Hillary is.
We've All Wanted To Try This From Ratatouille 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Yea that's why even if I become a billionaire I'd never go to a shitty fancy restaurant
*awaits* 26 comments
· 8 years ago
This is because it's so much easier for them to complain about petty things in a first world country where they won't actually face any opposition, than to ACTUALLY fight for something that matters in a country that would fight back. If you are a level headed person like you say you are, @saxylady, then you're just simply a person who wants equality, not a feminist. Unfortunately, in 2016, there is a huge difference between these two things.
*awaits* 26 comments
· 8 years ago
@saxylady then you're not a feminist. See, feminism used to be a movement for the equality of the sexes, however, as time progressed and we got much closer to that goal, feminism started to go astray. It started small, with a small amount of members pushing misandrists ideas, but they were considered a minority. However, they were unfortunately not stopped, which allowed them to grow into the majority of feminism. See, feminism is basically just a hijacked movement, and it is so easily hijacked simply because of the name. It's really easy for it to be abused as a platform for misandrists because of the fact that it's called FEMinism. Anyway, with the advent of the internet these minority misandrists were finally able to band together and grow incredibly influential within the feminist community. Now, they do stupid shit like cry about safe spaces and getting triggered by video games, and COMPLETELY IGNORE the injustices towards women in the Middle East and Africa.
Edited 8 years ago
Awesome cosplay 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Just about anything is better than half naked cosplayers tbh. But I agree, this lady's costume is pretty cool.
Edited 8 years ago
wow 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Sure it's a bit harsh, but the people who are unstable enough to really need to take this advice probably won't even have boyfriends in the first place.
Edited 8 years ago
Why Are So Many People Getting a Septum Piercing Lately? 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Here's the one you tried to play off as a small difference in opinion (you tried pretending it was just you thinking white culture wasn't a thing, but really it was your childish behavior during that incident which stuck out to me and everyone else):
You got in way over your head. You were unable to defend your petty beliefs (this is because your beliefs were backed by little more than feeble minded pathos) and resorted to acting like an actual child. Then, when people who really didn't even have a grudge against you started to call you out (this is when a sane person would at least admit that they handled the situation incorrectly) you continued to act like a brat further cementing you as one of the least intelligent SJWs on the website. Then you have the nerve to come here and tell me that I am embarrassing myself. Fucking disgusting. Go back to Tumblr, you inhuman scum.
Edited 8 years ago
You got in way over your head. You were unable to defend your petty beliefs (this is because your beliefs were backed by little more than feeble minded pathos) and resorted to acting like an actual child. Then, when people who really didn't even have a grudge against you started to call you out (this is when a sane person would at least admit that they handled the situation incorrectly) you continued to act like a brat further cementing you as one of the least intelligent SJWs on the website. Then you have the nerve to come here and tell me that I am embarrassing myself. Fucking disgusting. Go back to Tumblr, you inhuman scum.
*awaits* 26 comments
· 8 years ago
So fucking what? This empowers women because it shows not only men can be involved in movie fights. If anything this supports equality by showing that Mystique was actually fighting Apocalypse, rather than being some side/support/sexappeal character that females are depicted as right now. Stop being triggered for five FUCKING seconds and understand how mentally handicapped you feminists are. It's disgusting how you guys are so blind and easily enraged that you actually end up fighting AGAINST equality. You should feel ashamed.
Why Are So Many People Getting a Septum Piercing Lately? 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't talk about embarrassing after the petty and childish behavior that many people (not just me) have called you out on recently. Just leave before you completely tarnish any shred of dignity you may still have left, garbage.
*awaits* 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes it is his business. It is EVERYONE'S business. When these feminist hags start screeching about every bit of media in the society that we live in it affects us. I don't want to live in a future where movies are required to have every female character be immortal and infallible. Plus the funny part is, these disgusting feminists who complain about Mystique's portrayal in this poster, are the same feminists who complain that there aren't enough strong female heros in movies. This just goes to show that what they want isn't a hero (because heros always face adversity, male or not) they just want female characters to be absolutely flawless (aka boring and stupid as fuck, just like the dull mind of a feminist).
It could save your life 7 comments
· 8 years ago
That's bad advice. If you fill your lungs with water, you'll float better because now your lungs' densities will be the same as the water, preventing you from sinking. So you need to breathe in all the water you can.
Why Are So Many People Getting a Septum Piercing Lately? 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I don't hold my opinions because they are unpopular or edgy, they just happen to be seen that way. I actually hold my opinions simply because they are correct. Regardless, you can continue to use ad hominem at your leisure, as i never considered people like you to be much more intelligent than that anyway.
Why Are So Many People Getting a Septum Piercing Lately? 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Maybe at Starbucks and burger King. I don't like tomatoes in my burger, and I want whipped cream on my frap, ok? Thanks.
Edited 8 years ago
ATTENTION! Please help! 14 comments
· 8 years ago
You're one of the few here who can actually understand that bots exist here.
Lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot! (Feels Everywhere) 45 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm saying that this is obviously a contrived sob story designed to make people feel emotion. Abandoned dog, soldier owner reveal. This story is obviously fabricated. Dog not taken in by others, seems distant and sad, big reveal, happy ending. It's so obviously fucking fake. Here I am trying to inoffensively point out that this is little more than a decent fictional story, yet you take this shit personally. If you truly believe that this story is completely true, then you're obviously handicapped in some way. Listen, sure, it's possible for someone to name their dog tank, and it's possible for someone to have hung out with their dog during their military service. It's possible for a dog owning soldier to have to let go of his dog. It's possible for someone to do find a dog in a shelter that has problems with interacting with people. These aspects are all possible. They when put together, they become so storylike, and so perfect, that it becomes obvious that it is merely fiction.
Edited 8 years ago
Lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot! (Feels Everywhere) 45 comments
· 8 years ago
No I meant that the second it became related to soldiers lmao, not specifically because the name is TANK.