User correct3 Banned

The Last Kid Knows What's Up 14 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Beached girl 24 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
What the FUCK is that thing?!
· Edited 8 years ago
You're welcome 11 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Actually cow and chickens parents are just legs.
The weapon of choice for French gangster 11 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
This weapon is the worst and most poorly designed thing in the universe
In Norway, a large school of fish was frozen just under the water's surface 10 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Frozen fish = shitty sushi
No problems 4 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
If I had an umbrella that created water out of nothing I'd go and make trillions.
Twins marrying twins 30 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Yea but the combination of two people's genes results in trillions of possibilities for what the kid will look like
Ugh! 30 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Wowza 74 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Isn't Homestuck like one of the most cringe things on the internet or is that just the fanbase
They control what you see 4 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
It's damn near impossible to keep big news a secret anymore so it's not like some dystopian fiction where the Man hides everything from you. Or maybe it is an North Korea is actually the nation of freedom fighters.
Ugh! 30 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
For the fucking love of God, we GET that you're joking, dude. Why the fuck does everyone on this COMEDY site need too specify that they are joking every single damn time?! Just chill. What's the point of making a joke if you're gonna ruin it with a (psst! Hey, buddy! This here comment is a JOKE! That's right, one of those things! Pretty rare site here on FUNsubstance, eh? Well, have fun buddy, didn't mean to hurt your feelings!)
Ugh! 30 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Basically anyone who's not morbidly obese can fit through the hole on the right tho.
I'm convinced Doggothepupper made an account to fill in for DDOC 38 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Perhaps they have school or a life.
Harley Quinn is my spirit animal 46 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
To be honest I felt as if it felt fake. Like, it wasn't a convincing insanity, she just was an annoying character who's purpose was to be 'quirky' and 'edgy', but I saw it as shallow, and even worse, gratingly annoying. One of my least favorite aspects of the film.
Looking at you Erdogan 13 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
What do all these countries have in common? They're shitholes
Shame on you, air conditioner! 14 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
This whole thing happened cuz men in the workplace had to wear suits while the women were free to dress how they wanted (cuz a dress code for women is sexist and a lawsuit waiting to happen), and SURPRISE, they dressed scantily in a work environment, then complained about it being cold.
16 · Edited 8 years ago
The cookie store has a funny tip on the bottom of their box 2 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Wow, it's 2016, yet this cookie shop can still kinkshame floories?! Fuck this shit
So, about that karma 5 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
He might not be gay but he's definitely a faggot
26 · Edited 8 years ago
Rip sjw 15 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Moss shower mat 14 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Is there a grammatical error or something
· Edited 8 years ago
Damn 15 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
The correct term you're looking for is: "lost weight"
Moss shower mat 14 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Target audience is the type who probably doesn't actually shower much
Is this what happens when old people get wifi? 18 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Is this what happens when old people get wifi? 18 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Reju he doesn't actually have a news team dimwit. That's just a bullshit excuse keen came up with. Keem's a complete cunt through and through.
Phelps face 6 comments
correct3 · 8 years ago
Did you guys hear what happened to the first girl