Airbus beluga 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok, looking at the other comments, I sort of set myself up for that one. ;-)
Airbus beluga 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Honestly curious:
Why do we call big things "Beluga", I mean, as whales go they're not really that big (around 3 meters).
Why do we call big things "Beluga", I mean, as whales go they're not really that big (around 3 meters).
Bbq done right 33 comments
· 9 years ago
(I know this is 27 weeks late but i feel compelled to mention this)
This was at a multicultural and arts festival (the key word being "multicultural" at an (insert European country here) stall.
Australia BBQs aren't really this great, the wildlife however always wants to kill you.
This was at a multicultural and arts festival (the key word being "multicultural" at an (insert European country here) stall.
Australia BBQs aren't really this great, the wildlife however always wants to kill you.
I immediately regret this decision 17 comments
I immediately regret this decision 17 comments
Private thoughts 16 comments
Yeeeah science b*tch 6 comments
Power of nokia 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Imagine being lost in the woods / out at sea for years and later being rescued and everybody is an android (pun intended).
More parking lots should look like this 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Electric Cars get free parking and charging. Environmentally friendly parking and prompts you to get an electric car.
Darn it, shakespeare! 7 comments
There is nothing more infuriating 38 comments
· 9 years ago
Please, try getting 'Side Tracked' and all quest achievements without leveling up AT ALL. Then try it with level spawning off (all enemies levels are randomized).
Awwww^_^ 18 comments
· 9 years ago
"...I sighed and opened my eyes. And Edward was staring at me curiously, that same, familiar edge of frustration even more distinct in his black eyes. I stared back, surprised, expecting him to look quickly away. But instead he continued to look with blazing intensity into my eyes. ..."
oh f*cK NO 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Don't forget jellyfish and the occasional sea spider (if you're up north).
Gone in 63 seconds 3 comments