

New account "Aphelion".

— Aphelion Report User
Learn something useful everyday 5 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
It's everywhere! It's in our taps, our oceans, the clouds! We need to spread awareness about this great threat!
I don't understand why some girls think this works 18 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
It's not that you'll have a bad time, you won't have a time.
Pet it, I dare you 9 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
"Almost vampirish"? ALMOST???
Philosophical fortune cookie 4 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Warm Bodies (book) begs to differ.
When you finding pics of your friend to show 3 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
These are the pictures of a lady who won a beauty contest (left) and a funny face contest (right) on the same day.
10 · Edited 9 years ago
A mini wood burning stove for camping! 8 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
And with less smoke and steam, thereby also with less smell.
Oblivion and Skyrim 126 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Slime Rancher and Plague Inc.
Infect the world with a flood of (cute little balls of) slime!
Someone found dinner 8 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
It looks more like wings suddenly popped out of its back, it face-planted from the new weight, then flew away.
2 pizzas in one pan 4 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
My point exactly.
2 pizzas in one pan 4 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Or, you could just make 1 big square pizza filling the whole thing. Ii know square pizza is a taboo but you can just cut a circle out of it when you eat it and eat the scraps as extra.
The Pacer was hell Y-Y rip athletic show off kids who prolly died 49 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Yeah, there was one girl at my school that somehow made it to lap 200, then fainted. Literally out cold for like 20 minutes.
We'll say the pic is auto 15 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Don't think about elephants.
Natural selection at work 35 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Science people: whether he injected himself or not, what are the effects of injecting yourself with that stuff?
So my ex fell and broke her ankle after she broke up on valentines... Karma is a b*tch 5 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
It's a German word meaning "to feel pleasure or humor at other people's pain". Direct translation is "Damage happiness".
We'll say the pic is auto 15 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Ever noticed that crackling sound in your ears when you swallow?
Better not stop blinking!
· Edited 9 years ago
Yeahhhh....that's why he filmed him.. 5 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
There was a kid in my primary school who did NO homework for about 2 years, despite all the times he got detention, calls home, letters, etc. He would always just say "I can't find my diary" (where our homework was recorded) and at the end of the last day of primary school he gave the teacher a pile of all his "lost" (and empty) diaries and all the letters the school had sent home and just walked out.
15 · Edited 9 years ago
A gameboy ad from 1991 3 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
He got it.
That way this cat sits is hilarious 7 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
The second pic looks like he's taking a shit and you just walked in on him.
Happy Valentines Day! (I have been saving this for a while ) 11 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Oh, sorry, the receiver looks like Chase.
Happy Valentines Day! (I have been saving this for a while ) 11 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
This is House MD, right? If so, please tell what episode this is, i can't find it.
They win 416 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
Sorry if it seemed mean, I wasn't trying to be mean or degrading, i was just impressed/interested in the sheer number you guys where commenting.
Since we've been having feelsubstance lately.. 21 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
"Friendship isn't a job. "
The case is now closed 11 comments
corvoattano · 9 years ago
I'd say the chicken, as the egg/fetus/period thing would have slowly evolved into the hard-shelled lump we know today (this is before it is known as a "chicken" or even a bird as it would have happened while land animals were still in their earliest stages, or possibly even before land). This is where the question about when in it's evolution it was classified as a chicken because it could be halfway through the life of some other bird (the chicken came first), or the first chicken could have been born from a new egg (the egg came first, this is what Neil is saying).
· Edited 9 years ago