"Pffffttt!!! YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT" 9 comments
· 8 years ago
The poor man, it's up to you to teach him the right way.
i completely ship Harley and Ivy now 46 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't you think that's limiting yourself to only parts of the month?
(I'm sorry, this is literally the only time I could make this joke in context)
(I'm sorry, this is literally the only time I could make this joke in context)
Tasmanian giant crab 32 comments
· 8 years ago
Just imagine that thing suddenly coming back to life while you're holding it...
Triggered 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh great, now you've said it, it's going to happen.
Good job.
Algebra will probably be next...
Edited 8 years ago
Good job.
Algebra will probably be next...
"Pffffttt!!! YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT" 9 comments
· 8 years ago
When I went to see that movie, not a single person left. The entire cinema was packed and nobody left early.
Could it be a mixture 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Depends on the context, if i'm watching an English movie. English, but if i'm in the middle of a conversation with a German relative, German.
This is my unpopular opinion. 26 comments
· 8 years ago
We shoudn't make companies hire more women, that will just end badly as previsouly explained. What we should do is give companies a *reason* to hire more women, other than "because they have to". While there is nothing holding women back from getting good jobs, they shouldn't feel like there is.
Full image of the tank man 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't know the story, but i can tell you this:
You don't "accidentally" walk in front of a tank. Those things are loud and rumbly, you can hear and feel them from a few blocks away.
You don't "accidentally" walk in front of a tank. Those things are loud and rumbly, you can hear and feel them from a few blocks away.
Foreign 2 comments
This is my unpopular opinion. 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Equality is everyone getting the same chances, not the same results.
As long as that is remembered, we can all get along.
As long as that is remembered, we can all get along.
Because nature knows the best 33 comments
Because nature knows the best 33 comments
True 3 comments
· 8 years ago
How did you get my face?
Seriously, how did you see under the...
I was going to make a joke about you seeing under the mask that is the skin on my face, but then i remembered my username and realised that could just sound out of context.
Seriously, how did you see under the...
I was going to make a joke about you seeing under the mask that is the skin on my face, but then i remembered my username and realised that could just sound out of context.
Not as stupid as you thought 11 comments
· 8 years ago
The thing is, if the killer is a normal human being (within the norm of murderers), this strategy would totally work. If it is a real grenade, this would catch him off guard entirely and while he might kill others, he probably doesn't want to die himself.
Go get him buster!
Or you could just throw the knife. Aim well and you can instantly incapacitate or kill him.
Edited 8 years ago
Go get him buster!
Or you could just throw the knife. Aim well and you can instantly incapacitate or kill him.
You know your teacher is special when he writes like this 10 comments
· 8 years ago
It seems Tolkien has been reincarnated in the form of a substitute teacher.
Angry war birds 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Mitsubishi A6M "Zero".
Kamikaze strategy, ramming their planes into enemy ships when they were loosing a fight.
Kamikaze strategy, ramming their planes into enemy ships when they were loosing a fight.
Adult Books (for Mature Audiences Only!!!) 2 comments
Feelin' old 4 comments
The V 6 comments