Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
The main thing America Shd fix is gun laws. Be like the aussies
· 9 years ago
Regarding the debate on trans people, I think it's really dumb for mums to push clothes, toys on their kids etc. one of my best friends is a straight guy who wore dresses as a little kid. Why does it really matter?
Extremism 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Well there aren't really any Christians that go by the Old Testament anymore bc it's all fucked up but the New Testament is pretty chill in general and Jesus was cool af so Catholics follow that
Extremism 27 comments
Gay person 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Very true. Role models of both sexes are great to have in a household as well, this coming from a gay girl who wants a family someday. I will feel bad my kids dot have a father. Men and women aren't the same. Their brains function differently, and that's fact not opinion. Kids need role models of both gender in their life and straight parents are ideal. Love can come from both but role models in the household of each sex are valuable too. Gender roles arent sexist and men and women aren't the sale. Stop pretending they are you're ony kidding yourself
Gay person 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda dumb? I mean I know a lot of gay, straight, atheist, and religious people who think marriage is a guy and a girl, as that having a parent of each sex benefits the kids(which is not to say gay couples provide any less love, just that primary caregivers of only one sex will limit their role models) It doesn't mean you have anything against gay people. Just my two cents
Edited 9 years ago
Preach 47 comments
· 9 years ago
ALso, some parents just find it really hard to deal with the transition and don't know how to react. They feel they are losing a son or daughter, and often this doesn't mean they love them any less, it just means they're new at this as well
Important!!! 91 comments
· 9 years ago
Because if you're as young as the people in this post, there's always a reason they're not with someone their own age. Always.
Important!!! 91 comments
· 9 years ago
Not just bad but actually illegal once he turns 18. Yeah, there's something wrong with guys (or girls) who can't find people their own age to date
Even in Texas :') ♥ 27 comments
· 9 years ago
And those cock sucking little bitches are still getting married before you... In all 51 states motherfucker!
Ricky Gervais' Thoughts on Gay Marriage 24 comments
The bloop 32 comments
· 9 years ago
It's basically been confirmed for several years now that it was an ice quake, and that the whole 'bloop beast' thing was more fantasy than science.
Seriously 40 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah :) I actuay have tiny hips and I'm not petite either (5'11 folks) and I eat a shit ton of really healthy food bc I'm actually a power athlete and I have a big ass thigh gap. I'm in perfect health and I know loads of girls with gorgeous healthy thighs wether tey have a gap between them or not. People are what they are, don't shame either way
The real reason why Fall Out Boy had to save rock and roll 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh great, another 'born into the wrong generation' music snob. Grow up, mate. A lot of FOB's old music was rock, can't speak for the other bands.
He looks so proud of himself in that last picture xD 8 comments
· 9 years ago
Ikr i can't stand when people ask me and my gf who's the man
It's like there are no men
That's the whole point of being a lesbian
Wearing pants doesn't make you a man
It's like there are no men
That's the whole point of being a lesbian
Wearing pants doesn't make you a man
Instead of Kardashians, something worth your attention 23 comments
· 9 years ago
She couldn't have gotten hell before this . Anorexia is a crippling disease and treatment is expensive especially in the US. She's not guilting, she's genuinely asking for help to save her life. Have a little compassion, instead of insincerely back pedaling.
In case none of you knew 38 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe he just doesn't think that's what marriage is. That's fine too guys, part of what this event represents is tolerance, and that's tolerance we should extend to everyone regardless of perosonal opinion :)
Instead of Kardashians, something worth your attention 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Here's the link for if you want to help fund her treatment guys, have a great day :)
Here's the link for if you want to help fund her treatment guys, have a great day :)
It takes downright evilness to crack a human being 39 comments
· 9 years ago
And you can blame whoever you want, but at the end of the day, suicide, in itself is down to personal weakness, even if only for a moment. It's always the victims decision to end their own life