George Morton-Bool



— George Morton-Bool Report User
Best surprise Xmas present for gamers! 13 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
It's shit on console, I've got it XD
Best surprise Xmas present for gamers! 13 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
Xbox One? Really?
C'mon maaate
PC master race
The best Facebook profile pic I've ever seen 2 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
This exact picture has been drawn on the wall outside my nans house XD
If you have one of these I automatically think your a douche 29 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
I have one and it feels like your hovering but its a metaphor in a way, I think its quite obvious it doesn't hover is a nickname. The real name is: Self balancing smart board. Aka: Swegway / Hoverboard
don't tell me how to live my life! 8 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
I don't fight the system, I did as I was told, my name is Wisely
A knife dipped in kryptonite 13 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
This knife is a power rangers toy
No shave November results 31 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
Why hidden
A Lotus seed pod 34 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
Trypophobia be like
Dammit Jared! 11 comments
cygeorge · 8 years ago
mmmmm 21 comments
cygeorge · 10 years ago
Yes indeed mmm